73-nanami x reader

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*in which you find yourself sitting in the four seat space on a 4 hour train ride, and a blond stranger sits infront of you*


the time is 01:23 am, the sky is dark and the air is cold and silent, and only now returning to tokyo was destroying you.

you board the train. since the hour is so late and the passangers are so few, theres only one cabin thats going to go back to tokyo, and when you enter it you see the other 10 people on board.

with a sigh you sit down at your seat, the one you ordered online, and found it to be a seat at the 4 seat place, 2 facing other 2. luckily, there was noone there.

placing your bag beside you, you sit down and rub your eyes. even though you were used to the late trips, you were still a very very tired person.

you pull out your notebook and a pen, and look over the to-do list you had for today. yes, all of it is marked and finished. the day wasnt a waste.

you wait for a few more minutes until the train goes, but sudennly, at the last minute, another person boards the cabin.

a tall, slender blond man enters the train, a bag in his hand and sunglasses over his eyes. he has some stains of his shirt, and it actually looks almost as if it were blood. but why would it be?

the man scans the ticket in his hand and looks to his left and righy before he sighs. you watch with tired eyes as he comes to stand beside you and sets his bag on the seat infront of you, and sits down.

what are the goddamn chances? its the middle of the night, what are the chances he booked right the place infront of me?

you scan him another time. actually, he looks quiet good. handsome even. blond hair thats so carefully set and he has just sharp facial features, and the hands he places on the armrests are big and sculpted.

you look away, not to give yourself away for staring at the man. as you look out the window, the lights turn off except for the exit signs and a ping.

the train goes.

4 hours, here we go.

without looking at the cabin, you know that most people are already asleep, thats what its usualy like when you travel at such late hours.

who is this man? youve been taking this train for so long, you already recognise most the people on it. the fat one, the one who faught with his wife over the phone the other day, and the woman who falls asleep the second she sits in the train.

but youve never seen him.

after sometime, you give him another look. he still hasnt taken off his sunglasses, but is now leaning back, his fingers interwined, his head leaning back. is be sleeping too?

but yiu cabt worry yourself too much with that, because as his head cranes back on the comfortable seat, you see his adams apple in his throat, and his clean shaven jaw.

he looks so... careful. so beautiful. the model of beauty and aesthetic in men.

he even smells rather good, a gentle, manly cologne is on him, you can detect it when he turns a little to put his leg over the other and give a deep sigh.

hes getting ready to take a nap, you can tell. hes making the seat comfortable and his breathing is evening, as well as his body not moving much.

his tie had sime kind of pattern on it, what is that? looks unique, unusual, weird, but at the same time good. it fits him. mysterious, weird, but good.

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