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Harley's POV:

"Did they threaten you to not tell us anything?" The officer in front of me asked and I firmly shook my head.

"I-I swear they have never done anything to hurt me! They love me and I love them! You have it all wrong, they wouldn't ever hurt me, sir!" I squeezed my hoodie closer to my chest.

The man sighed and got up. "I'll have someone else come in to talk to you."

He left the room and I whimpered. I bit my lip to stop it from trembling and huddled closer to myself as I looked around. I had absolutely no idea why any of this was happening and I was terrified.

A small group of men and women walked in and one of the women smiled softly. "We understand that you don't want to talk, but this was anonymously reported, Harley. Since you won't talk with us, we'll have to check your body for any marks. I know this will be hard for you, but we have to check for proof even if you resist us. It's easier if you tell us, and we promise those men will never touch you again."

"They've never hurt me in any way shape or form! You can ask people that we know, and they'll tell you that..." one man walked closer and both of my arms were grabbed. "Let me go!"

"Harley, please relax. It'll be easier for all of us. We just need to take some pictures if there's any proof of any types of marks on your body." The same lady from before explained and I cried out as my hoodie and shirt were pulled off.

I heard two gasps and froze.

"It's ok, Harley. You'll never have to see those men again, we promise. We'll take proper care of you and make sure they stay in prison for a long time." A different man with brown eyes said and I sobbed.

They took pictures of my body, and I knew that this situation was getting worse. My body was covered in scars because of the trip we took for Angelo's birthday. All the marks proved that I was hurt, but the people didn't understand that it was consensual. That I chose to have them.

"Is this a burn?" I felt a finger tap on the branding on my back, but didn't reply.

"It is." The first lady moved across the table from me. "I'm really sorry that you had to go through this, Harley."

"I-I wanted it! They...didn't h-hurt me! I swear!"

My pajama pants were pulled off next and I sobbed as they took pictures of all the marks. "Pl-ease...let me go!"

None of the six people said anything and I cried to myself as they continued to take pictures of me.

"I know this will be embarrassing, but we'll have to check more private areas for anything else, Harley."

"N-No! I swear if y-you touch me anymore!" I tried to fight back, but I was too weak.

"Hey, it's ok." One man pulled my boxers down and I cried harder. I was forced to stand up and I called for help, but knew no one would come. "That's another burn on his left buttocks."

"This is horrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this, Harley."

I didn't respond, then the people left after taking more pictures. I was left alone to dress myself up and set my head down on the table, crying into my arms and wailing. I felt violated.

If the people here thought that I was violated at home, then they're wrong. I felt more violated being forced to undress here than I ever did at home.

I wasn't sure how long time had passed but I fell asleep from exhaustion.

The door opened and I sat straight up, looking back and seeing Detective Jefferson. He sighed and sat down in front of me.

"I don't understand the situation right now, Harley. You reported this morning that you were being stalked and harassed, then Angelo and Davin came in with some guy that they caught saying that he keyed Davin's car, now there was an anonymous report that you were being abused at home? There's proof right in front of me, Harley. You've been hurt by Angelo and Davin." He rubbed his head.

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