"Sounds good." Wayne mumbles, looking over at Maxine. "Anyway, the boarding house?" He asks, she nods her head and begins to walk toward us, us following after her. Her walking with confidence and coolness that it's admirable.

I observe how carefree she is, and it makes my heart drop to my stomach at the thought of me and her even being nearby one another. It's nice that she takes care of... Pearl? And... And Howard? I think that's their names.

We walk inside and we all look around, I see Bobby-Lynne walk immediately to the couch and sit herself down, making herself cosy and Jackson joining her, I look around and stand by Y/n, seeing her glance around with a small smile.

"It ain't much, but it's a beaut." Y/n admits with a sigh of content, her eyes scanning the boarding house. "I even sometimes sneak in here for peace and quiet." She adds, her eyes looking over at me.

"It's a beauty." I hear Wayne compliment,

"This is gonna be great." I hear RJ say but Y/n begins to speak to me,

"So, what're y'all doin'?" She asks, interested. I blink a couple of times and swallow the lump in my throat, I move my script more into her view and hear her hum and nod her head, "Hm, you shoot movies? That's cool, I've always wanted to be apart of one." She expresses to everyone,

"Really?" Maxine asks her,

"Yeah! It must be good to be in front of a camera." She expresses, "Just let me know if y'all need anythin', I'll mostly be around." she adds, before stepping toward the door. "I can leave?"

"No." I butt in, multiple people looking at me, I clear my throat, setting the boom mic down and glancing at her before feeling too intimidated to say anything. "I mean, I, uh, I need help w—with some... something, yeah." I trail off, seeing Wayne look at me confused, glancing at RJ, RJ shrugging and turning back to me.

"Why don't we step outside and you can tell me?" Y/n suggests, before I can even answer in reply, she grabs my hand and pulls me outside, shutting the door behind me; I glance at the door then at her and see her body close to mine, she turns her head to meet my eyes, "Gosh, is your people always that intimidating?" She asks, before letting out a shudder of disgust. "Yuck." She lets out, making me laugh as we walk off of the small porch and onto the grass. "So, where'd y'all come from?"

"Texas." I mumble,

"Hm?" She asks, hanging her head down toward me, I watch as her face is in reaching distance. Her hair cascading down her back in a billowy way that makes it look beautiful, I glance at her before seeing her eyes focusing on mines. How can she maintain eye contact for so long?

"Texas." I answer, seeing her hum and nod her head.

"Well, thank god. I swear, we barely get anyone new around here. It's dense as hell, I seriously don't understand why you'd pick here of all places."

"Oh, we're—we're not apart of some big company. I'm just tryna get the experience." I explain to her, quietly, she nods her head.

"Hey, I'm sure whatever your doing is great." She assures me, "What is it exactly that you're filming, if I may?" She asks, her eyes glancing at the script that I didn't even realise was still in my arms, I let her hold it and she reads the title, humming. She opens and reads the first couple of pages, "So, it's smut?"

"That's what I said." I mumble, quietly.

"Hm?" She asks, I shake my head and shrug. "Well, I guess there's a first time for everything, right? I mean... surely it's awkward. You know, being awkward and... and having sex with someone." She expresses to me, "But, hey... from what I've read, it sounds not so bad. I think many men will masturbate to it—"

Jenna x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now