"Hi." I mumble quietly, "Can I have a refill? I had hot chocolate." I remind her, moving the cup close to her, she nods her head and I pay the money,

"I'll bring it over." She informs me, I nod my head and go over to my seat, sitting by a bay-window and getting a good view of the beautiful town of Lakeshore Newhaven.

I glance around and I see a beautiful woman sitting by herself, her nose deep in a book. I look away and stare at my screen, reading the same paragraph again and again. I sigh and rest my hand over my face, tapping my forehead as I try to think of what I could write.

I swear, this is a cruel world, it really is. My boss, Brianna, I can tell that she's really starting to not like me as the asshole who bumped into me complained about me and apparently I'm on the brink of being fired if I don't start behaving. She even looked at the footage on the CCTV and saw that it was him who bumped into me.

I'm really starting to hate this world. It's becoming an absolute dump of shitty people who're so obsessed about themselves that I can't breathe! I feel so suffocated and as I feel that if one more thing goes wrong, small or not, I am ready to jump off of a cliff—

"Hi." I hear a voice greet me, I lift my head up from my arms, not realising that my head was there and I see that it's the girl who was nose deep in a book.

And just like that, an angel appears.

"H...Hi?" I greet her, she hands me a note. "Oh, uh... t—thank you." I thank her, smiling softly. Glancing between her and the note."Can I help you or... or are we just gonna do that awkward staring at one another then I'll probably question it later on in my life?" I ask her, point-blank, hearing her chuckle softly.

"Have a good day." She tells me, leaving and heading back to her chair. Grabbing her stuff and leaving. What just happened? I open the note and see it's a number then a message underneath,

"From the type of book that you're reading whenever I see you and how hypnotised you seem by your laptop with your writing, I can tell that we're gonna be good friends. I also really like your outfit, have a good day and text me when you can. My name's Jenna <3 " The note says, I smile and pick up my phone adding her number into my contacts and I send her a quick message,

"Thank you for the note, it was really sweet and reminded me of something a grandparent would do, <3 " I send to her, I re-read the note and see she said for me to have a good day.

"Oh, and have a good day as well❤️" I send, nodding my head and thinking that's good enough.


I'm just out of the shower, dried off and dried my hair, as well as dressed. I'm brushing through my hair and it's decent, I puff it around then grab my phone and see a new text message from "Bookstore Girl❤️". I smile.

"Hi! Sorry for replying late, I was running a little bit late for work and lmao, I'm sorry <3" Her message says, I think for a moment before typing in reply,

"Its totally fine, ahaha" I send with a smiley face,

"Work's been a bit of a pain myself so if you ever wanna complain, that's more than welcome" I send to her, moving my thumb to my mouth as I head downstairs and I grab a packet of ready salted pringles and head over to my laptop, I open it and put something on Netflix, seeing my phone light up,

"Thank you but it's fine, I love working so I'm constantly doing job to job" She sends,

"Oh, that's really cool, what do you do?"

"All right, don't freak out on my though" She says, I look at the message confused. I think about her name, wondering where I've heard it before.

"I'm an actress" She sends, I think for a moment before my eyes widen,

Jenna x Reader One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz