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Skye's POV

I saw Lando walking in, alone. He looked so handsome. His curls were a little mess, he was wearing a jeans and shirt. He looked handsome in everything if I was honest.

He quickly looked at me as I said hi to him. "They tricked us didn't they?" I nodded. They definitely did. He put his hands through his curls. We both didn't really know where to start or what to say.
I realized he wasn't gonna start this conversation so I had to.
"I am sorry for smashing your trophy. It was way out of line" I sighed. It felt good when I did it, but I regretted it afterwards. "Why did you do it though?" I chuckled a little. Was he serious right now or was he really this stupid? "Why do you think Lando?" He shrugged his shoulders. Okay he really was this stupid. "Because you chose to celebrate with everyone instead of coming home to me. When I needed you the most" I started to raise my voice, which I instantly regretted because I knew he would get mad too but to my surprise he didn't get mad at all.

He just looked at me. "Wow wow, no I did not?" He walked to me, but he didn't touch me. "They only told me after all the celebrations and interviews. I literally would've parked my car and flew to you if I knew sooner" I should've known he would not finish the race if he knew.
I was mad at him for something he didn't do.
I felt so stupid. I looked at the ground, I didn't know how to respond.
"Hey, I would've dropped everything for you" he put his hand under my chin and made me look at him. "I am sorry for not communicating more, I just didn't know how to deal with it all. I wanted to be strong for you but now I realize you didn't need that" It were the words I was waiting for, the words I needed so much.
I wrapped my arms around him and put my head against his chest. I could hear his heart beat so fast right now.
"I just needed you but we were both not communicating. I am so sorry for pushing you away" the tears started to roll over my cheeks.

He put my face in his hands as he looked at me. He wiped my tears away with his thumbs.
"I am not fine without you Skye, not at all" My heart skipped a beat. I missed him so much, I missed how cute he was with me, how sarcastic he was with everyone else. I missed his voice, his laugh, how he licked the corners of his lips when he was uncomfortable or a little nervous.
His hands were still on my face, he leaned closer to me and pressed his lips against mine.
My tongue touched his lips softly, he opened his mouth right away for me, swiping his tongue against mine.
Sparks were flying between us. It felt so good to taste him again.
"Fuck, I missed this so much" his hand brushed against my cheek as he looked at me. I definitely missed it as well.
"But what about the journalist girl?" I realized I kissed him when he actually was dating someone else. I felt so guilty. "I told her I wouldn't do the interview" he smiled a little. I was happy he listened to me but that's not what I meant at all.
"No I mean, you're dating her right?" He chuckled a little as he shook his head. "Max is dating her yeah" he probably saw how confused I was. "Fewtrell" he added, as if I was actually thinking Verstappen was dating her.
That's why she was always around them, she wasn't there for Lando, she was with them for Max.

"So they rented an entire room for us, we better take advantage of that" he said as he smirked and looked at the bed.
"Who do you think I am? One kiss and you already wanna take my clothes off?" I acted offended which made him laugh. "A guy can dream right?" He pulled me closer and threw me on the bed. He put his hands on my legs and opened them as he crawled on top of me.
I put my hands under his shirt, my hands were brushing over his back. I can't deny the fact that I missed this. His kisses on my neck, his smell, his soft touches.

I closed my eyes so I could enjoy his kisses even more. "Fuck Lando" I moaned as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel how hard he was.
He was leaning on one arm as he looked down at me. "You don't know how much I want you right now" I actually did know, I could feel how much he wanted it and I wanted it just as much.

Blue Skies 2 - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now