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I walked through the paddock with a smile on my face. A fake smile, but I had to act as if I'm wasn't breaking down.

My smile quickly disappeared when I saw Lando's best friend Max walking up to me. Maybe he wanted to talk? Tell me how much Lando missed me?
But he didn't, he just walked straight passed me, he didn't even acknowledge me.
"Max please" I turned around and looked at him.
He stopped walking and I swear I could hear him sigh a little. "Yeah?" He turned around and looked at me. "How is Lando holding up?" He chuckled a little. I knew he definitely didn't want to talk to me.
"He's obviously heartbroken, he just saw the girl he loves kissing someone else" he pointed at the Red Bull hospitality, referring to the kiss Miles and I shared.
"That was such a mistake, Max please you have to believe me" I sighed. I knew Max always liked me but he was Lando's best friend so he would always pick his side.
"Believe what? You broke up with him Skye. He doesn't even know why and then he sees you kissing that guy" he was busy looking around. He probably didn't want Lando to see us talking. "Look I know you've been through a lot but why did you break up with him?" His eyes were focused on me again.
I looked up to the sky and sighed. "Because he choose to celebrate instead of.." I couldn't finish my sentence because Miles grabbed my arm.
"We have to go, the race is about to start" he pulled me with him.
Max was still looking at me, he looked confused. As if he didn't knew Lando picked the media and podium celebrations over me. He saw that too right?


Max was comfortably driving in front, no one was even matching his pace. Unfortunately Lando wasn't either, he really didn't have the pace today.
He overtook a few people but was still no where close to a podium.
I looked at Kelly, she was standing alone. She probably didn't really wanna talk to me but I still walked up to her. I would like to think that she was my friend after all.

"Hi Kelly" I softly said, she quickly looked at me and smiled. "Hi Skye, how are you?" I felt relieved that she still wanted to talk to me. "Could be better but I'm fine" I shrugged my shoulders.
I wasn't fine at all but I didn't want to cry anymore. Especially not here.
"Are you dating him right now?" She looked at Miles. I quickly shook my head. We definitely weren't, even though Miles sometimes acted as if we were.
"We are having a party tonight, I would invite you but..." she started but didn't finish her sentence. She didn't need to, I knew what she was about to say. "But Lando doesn't want me there" she shrugged her shoulders with an apologetic smile.
"Is Max mad at me?" She shook her head smiling. "No babe, he just hates Miles." I was happy to hear he wasn't mad but why would he hate Miles?
He told him everything Lando said to him about me, about our baby. Why would he tell those things when he hated him?

Kelly smiled at me as she walked passed me. Max just won the race so I was sure she wanted to celebrate with him.
Lando on the other hand had no reason to celebrate. He didn't even end on the podium.

Kylie ❤️ :

Cant wait to see you again
So excited to have you back next week

I smiled at my phone. I was going home this evening and I wasn't sure when I would be back. Christian told me to take as much time as I needed.

But where was home? I couldn't stay in Lando's house.
I had to go back to my parents, they would probably love that I broke up with Lando but everything I owned was still at Lando's place.

Fuck, I didn't really think about this did I?

Blue Skies 2 - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now