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I was looking at the coffee in my hands. I didn't know if I was still allowed to drink coffee but I didn't care. I had barely slept, I kept worrying about my conversation with Max yesterday. Lando walked in the kitchen and looked at me smiling. "Yeah I guess you need that after last night" he pointed at the coffee in my hands. "Oh please shut up, I don't wanna hear about you guys having sex" Max followed him in the room.
"We didn't have sex, she just kept tossing around" Lando rolled his eyes but I guess he saw that something was wrong. "Are you okay love?" he leaned against the kitchen counter. I just nodded. I didn't want to have this conversation with his friend in the room. It was something between us.
"Max asked to go visit him today" Max quickly turned around as he raised his eyebrow. "The other Max obviously" I quickly said referring to Max Verstappen.
Lando nodded, he was probably excited to see his friend again. "I will get ready baby" he said as he quickly kissed my cheek and walked to the bathroom.

Max was leaning against the counter. He was just staring at me. I could feel his eyes burning on my skin. "What are you looking at?" I said as I looked up. "What's wrong? You are acting different" he tilted his head slightly. "Do you think Lando wants kids?" I didn't dare to look up, I was making circles with my finger on the rim of my mug. "I don't know, probably one day yeah but definitly not now" He said what I already suspected. I just nodded and smiled. "Why?" I obviously couldn't tell him I was pregnant because I didn't know for sure. "Just wondering" I smiled but I could see he wasn't convinced by my answer. Luckily before he could ask more questions Lando walked in. He was wearing a black hoodie with a backwards cap on his head. It was probably one of my favorite looks of him. He looked so good with his cap backwards.

Not much later we were standing in front of Max's door. I could feel Lando's fingers brush against my hand. He probably noticed I was a little distant today. I didn't want to shut him out, but I couldn't tell him the real reason we were here.
Max opened the door wearing his usual white tshirt. He smiled widely when he saw us. "My favorite neighbors" he said laughing. We both walked in his apartment. He bought the penthouse a couple of months ago, so his place was much bigger than Lando's. "Lando you have to see my new sim" Max looked at Lando, I could see how excited both of them were. "Kelly is in the kitchen" Max looked at me and winked quickly. He promised he would distract Lando and he did just that.

I walked to the kitchen. Kelly was standing in the kitchen with Penelope "Hi Skye good to see you" Kelly said as she gave me a quick hug and so did little P.
Max treated her like his own daughter. It was honestly the cutest thing ever. "So Max told me about your scare so I bought some tests. Don't worry too much, it can just be a scare. Max and I had a couple of those as well." She said as she put the tests in front of me. I sighed and looked at her. "Let's hope so" I grabbed the tests and looked at them. I didn't even know how to use them. "The bathroom is over there" Kelly pointed at the bathroom. I walked very slowly, maybe I wasn't ready to know the result. Maybe I just wanted to pretend I wasn't pregnant. I wish I could do this with Lando by my side, that we would both be happy if I was pregnant but I guess that wasn't the case.

I didn't even know how long I had to wait to look at the results. I was just sitting on the bathroom floor. I looked around. Max had a very nice bathroom though.
I saw the ducks in the bath tub. I smiled a little, maybe I wanted this after all.
I looked at the tests, they all said the same thing. I sighed and put them in my purse. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Lando playing with Penelope.
I was just looking at them with a smile on my face. It was so cute. "Who says he's not ready for a little Lando?" Max whispered so only I could hear him. "His best friend" I responded and Max quickly looked at me. "Talk to Lando about this, he might surprise you" he nudged me softly. I just nodded. He was right but I was just so scared he was gonna answer exactly how I thought he was gonna.

Blue Skies 2 - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now