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Lando's POV

We finally landed in Australia. I was so jetlagged already. I walked from the plane straight to the bed of my hotelroom.
Skye was laying next to me, I guess she was pretty jetlagged as well.
"Can we just stay in bed all day?" She mumbled against my chest. Her arms were wrapped around my body and her head was resting on my chest.
I wished we could stay like this but unfortunately I had to go to the track.
"Unfortunately no, but you can stay here babe, I will go alone" I said as I was playing with her hair. She looked up at me, she looked tired.
"No I will go with you" she got up and pulled me with her.

Today was the day we were gonna tell Zak. I asked for an urgent private meeting with him. Mostly because I wanted to make him a bit nervous and it worked because he kept texting me only to ask why I wanted a private meeting.
I probably had way too much fun with this.


Skye and I were walking through the paddock together. She had a day off but still decided to join me. She probably wanted to see Zak's face as well.
We walked in the hospitality and I could already see how nervous Zak was.
He immediately got up from the table he was sitting at and walked to us.
"We can go and have the meeting now if you want to" he said. I just nodded and followed him to his office.
Skye and I walked in his office and I closed the door behind me. "Skye is gonna be in this meeting as well" I said as we both sat down. Zak probably wondered why Skye was here but he didn't question it, he just nodded.

"Look Lando, if it's about the car then we can make it even better" Zak continued. I shook my head as I tried to hide my smile. "It's not about the car Zak, it's about.." Zak stopped me and quickly started talking again. "If it's about money then we can definitely talk about it as well"
I chuckled a little and so did Skye which caused Zak to finally shut up.

"It's not about the car or money." I started and grabbed Skye's hand. She quickly intertwined our fingers and we both looked at Zak who was so confused right now.
"Skye is pregnant" I smiled and so did he. The smile on his face was so genuine.
"Oh dude, you had me worried for a second" he said as he got up. He hugged me and Skye and congratulated the both of us.
"So we'll have a little Mclaren baby" he said enthusiastically. "Half Mclaren and half Red Bull you know" Skye jokingly said. We knew it would annoy him a little bit.

We were happy he took it this well. He would probably organize a big party for us, I was sure about that. He saw me like a son and he definitely treated me like it.
"I am so happy with everyones reaction baby" Skye wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I guess the hardest part will be your parents" I hated to be the party pooper but her parents weren't big fans of me.
They would probably hate the fact that they can't get rid of me right now.
She just nodded as she looked down. "Baby I have to do the practices. Will you watch it in our garage?" She quickly looked up and nodded enthusiastically.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me.

I honestly wished you could watch the races in our garage as well but I wasn't gonna push her into making a decision she didn't want to.

I kissed her cheek a few times as we walked in the garage but I quickly stopped as I saw someone standing in my side of the garage.
I looked at her, I was confused. What was she doing here?
"I will see you after the practice baby" I quickly kissed Skye lips and walked to my side of the garage.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left?"

Blue Skies 2 - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now