"Woah, what happened?" Jonathan asks me, resting his hand on my back, I fall onto my side and I continue to hold my dick as I clench my jaw in pain, "Dude, you all right?"

"What's hurting?" I hear Zack ask me,

"N—Nothing." I deny, shaking my head. "Lemme just... catch my breath." I tell them, seeing him look at me confused,

"Y/n, you okay?" I hear Jenna ask me, I shake my head lightly and she kneels down and rubs my back while I lean into her, "What's wrong? What'd he hurt?" She asks, glaring at Jonathan.

"What? I didn't mean it—"

"—Shut up—"


"—What? He hurt you—"

"—Don't be mean—"

"—I'm not—"

"—You are, now be nice." I tell her to do, before groaning and holding my dick in pain.

"What's the hold up?" Harry asks me, looking down at me. His arms on his hips.

"He hit me in the d— stomach. Stomach—"

"—What, you got a secret dick we don't know about?" I hear Jenna ask me and laugh softly, I look at her and stay quiet, seeing her smile begin to drain. "W—Wait, do... do you actually?" She asks me, I slightly nod my head. "Oh..."

"You have a dick—?!" Everyone asks me,

"—Okay, come on! Let's not announce it to—to the world or whatever. Plus, it's not like I want that to be open information." I express to her, through a sigh and I rest my hand on my forehead and cover my face.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" I hear Harrison ask me, his shoulders falling and him sitting down in front of me, everyone beginning to sit down around me as I glance around them, dejected.

"I—I don't know, I just felt like there's somethings that you guys don't need to know—"

"—Hey—" I hear Jenna butt in,

"—I was gonna tell you soon, sweetheart, I swear." I assure her, looking over at her to see her smile soften, and her shoulders fall as her eyes glance between mines. "But anyway," I turn to look back at the group, "I mean, I was gonna tell you guys, I just... didn't know how." I express to them, through a sigh.

"Hey, it's not like anything changed, all right? We're good, we're fine." I hear Zack assure me, I smile softly.

"We're good?" I ask, he nods his head, lightly.

"We're good, right?" He asks, everyone. Everyone agreeing and I look at Jenna seeing her place a kiss on my cheek,

"You feeling okay?" She asks me,

"It's still really sore." I admit to her, Jenna stands up and helps me up, sitting me down beside her and everyone continues to play while her, her friends talk to me.

"You feelin' alright?" I hear Emma ask me, I nod my head and exhale heavily as I lean forward and continue to hold it, it still being really sore.

"Y—Yeah. Yeah. Just... a little sore." I admit, nodding my head.


We arrive home and I immediately take my jersey off and my hoodie, heading up to our bedroom,

"I'm gonna go for a shower." I shout to Jenna who is still downstairs but I hear her rush up the stairs and jump into my arms, I groan and hold her, falling into the bed. Hearing her laugh.

"Noo, stay." She tells me to do, I chuckle softly and kiss her left cheek then right cheek. I feel her cling tightly too me, not letting me go, and since I barely did much that friendly - apart from bag an assist - then I guess, I should be able to post-pone my shower till later.

"I suppose... since I love you so much." I express to her, seeing her smile widely. "Only if we can cuddle and watch Only Murders In The Building." I express to her, hearing her laugh and nod her head.

"Deal." She agrees, kicking her shoes off and letting them fall of the bed, she removes herself off of me and we both get changed into comfy clothes, me changing back into my pyjamas and then getting comfortable in bed while I begin to watch Season 2 Episode 4. I love this episode, I love seeing Lucy. She's so cute! And she's a really good actress. "Ready?" I hear Jenna ask, climbing into bed. I immediately cuddle into her, resting my head on her chest and her arms immediately wrapping around me, "I like it when you cuddle into me." I hear her admit, quietly. Probably so she won't get embarrassed but I still hear it anyway.

"I like cuddling into you as well." I admit to her, glancing up at her and seeing her blush. We kiss, softly, the kiss being slow and languid. We both pull away a couple of seconds later and I focus on the show and feel her give me head scratches as I enjoy watching the show. Season 2 is so good and don't get me wrong, I love Season 1. But Season 2 has taken it to another level.

I like how Jenna isn't objecting, though, she truly is just letting me cuddle into her and letting me watch what I want to watch even if she isn't as into the show as I am. It's really nice of her to do that for me, and it makes me love her even more.

I really love her.


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