Meeting the Family

Start from the beginning

"Hi! Come in, come in." My mom beckons us inside the house, excitedly, moving the door open wider. I rest my hand on Jenna's back, allowing her to go first. She heads inside first and I go in after her,

"Hey, Mom." I greet her, "I've missed you" I tell her as she pulls me in a hug but I hold Jenna's hand with my left hand and have my right hand around my Mom.

"Mom, this is the famous Jenna that I've told you so much about." I say, looking over at Jenna to see her smile as she glances at me,

"It's so good to meet you!" My mom expresses,

"It's amazing to meet you too, how are you?" Jenna asks, my mom nods her head.

"I've been good, how are you? Do you need anything?" My mom asks her, Jenna shakes her head.

"No, thank you, though." Jenna tells her,

"Great!" My mom says, before her smile softens. "I'm really glad you're here and thank you for taking care of my daughter." My mom thanks her, I look to see Jenna smile widely and her eyes light up,

"It's been a pleasure, she's the best." Jenna admits, my mom nods her head before sighing and pulling her into a hug, Jenna hugging her back.

"I hope you don't mind?" My mom asks,

"Not at all. I'm a big hugger myself." Jenna informs her, more relaxed and her shoulders untense.

"Y/n?" I hear my name being called, I look around and see my little brother, who's 9, rush toward me.

"Ahh, buddy! Come here." I tell him, he jumps into my right arm as it was free and I give him a hug. "I've missed you! My god, you've grown taller?! Wow." I let out, holding him close to me. He pulls away but stays in my arm,

"Mommy says I'll be as tall as you by 16." He tells me, with a proud smile on his face. I laugh and nod my head,

"You know what? Momma's probably right, she's alwayd right, ain't she?"

"Yeah." He agrees, he sees Jenna and smiles widely. Jenna and my mom pull away from the side-hug that they must've switched too to watch me and Brandon talk.

"Jenna!" He exclaims, excitedly.

"Brandon!" Jenna replies with the same energy, she untangles our hands and I let her hold him, moving beside my mom as Brandon rests his head on her shoulder. "I missed you, little man. I swear, you've grown taller." Jenna agrees with me, I glance at my mom, seeing her smile.

"Where's my weirdos?" I ask, referring to my sisters.

"Oh, uh... i—in hospital." She informs me,

"What?" I ask, panicked. "Why? Is—?"

"—Everything is fine, I promise. Anna injured herself falling over a pot hole, so, Jayden picked her up and took her to the hospital as we were already asleep. Doctors say she fractured her ankle and is gonna be in a moon boot, so, she'll be on crutches the next 6 weeks." My mom informs me, resting her hands on my shoulders,
"She's fine. I promise." My mom tells me,

"How come she didn't call me? I'm closer to the hospital than Jayden." I remind my mom, she shrugs softly.

"She doesn't wanna panic you, especially with what happened last time we were at the hospital." My mom quietly tells me the last part, I nod my head and let my shoulders fall. My mom hesds over to Jenna, both of them talking and getting to know each other while me and Brandon play in the living room. Mom and Jenna are sitting on the couch and me and Brandon are on the floor, watching TV and both sipping on apple juice.

"Just like each other, ain't they?" I hear my mom ask Jenna, earning a laugh from Jenna.

"Yeah, it's cute though. I've always wondered why she prefers sitting on the floor when there's a perfectly good couch beside her but I think I cracked the code on why." Jenna replies, earning a laugh from my mother, I grab a toy and turn to Jenna, chucking it into her lap. She glances at her lap then at me, I stick my tongue out and blow raspberries, earning a laugh. "In a polite way."

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