Intruder? No, just my girlfriend

Start from the beginning

"Jenna..." I hear someone say, opening the door. I attack them with the cable. Wrapping it around their neck. Kicking their knee, making them fall. I move the cable back and see their head move up. I look in the mirror in front of me and see— is that Y/n?

"Y/n?" I ask.

"I—It's— It's me—! Jen—Jenna, it's... it's me!" I hear her say,

"Shit!" I exclaim in reply, removing the cable and hearing her cough, I quickly get off of her and move in front of her, "What the fuck? You scared the shit out of me."

"You scared the shit outta me! You attacked me!"

"You weren't replying when I shouted back!"

"Yes, I did!" Y/n argues, "I shouted back and told you to come downstairs so I could show you my haircut!" she continues onto say, I look at her hair and see it's completely different.

"I—I'm so sorry, Y/n. I..."

"It's okay." She replies, putting her hand out. "Truce?" She asks, putting her hand over her mouth as she coughs, attempting to catch her breath. "God, you've got too much strength." She complains, resting her hand over her mouth and having her lips furrow downward. "That really hurt."

"Well, I panicked. I'm—I'm so sorry." I apologise, panicked. Giving her a hug. She stumbles a little before wrapping her arms around me in return. Her calming down.

"It's fine, just a misunderstanding." She replies, softly. Placing a kiss on top of my head. I look up at her and see her smile, "We're okay." She tells me,

"You promise? Because I... I really didn't know it was you, es—especially with the new haircut and everything, I just... I... I'm so sorry—"

"—Jenna, I told you, it's okay. It's just a small misunderstanding and now we've cleared the air, we're fine— I'm fine." She assures me, holding me slightly tighter and still smiling. I nod my head and rest my ear against her chest, hearing her heart beating fast and I shut my eyes for a second or two before opening them and looking up at her again,

"For what it's worth..." I start, seeing her look down at me and lower her head, I step back, resting my hands on her forearms and she connects her hands with my forearms. "I really like your new haircut." I admit, removing my left hand and running my hand through her hair, feeling myself smile. I hear her laugh.

"Thanks." She thanks me,

"No problem. You remind me of, like, a—a... oh, shoot, what is it? The one with blonde hair who had the mask in the first scream movie and he got expelled from the principle—?"

"—I know what one you're talking about, yeah." She replies, nodding her head.

"Yeah, you remind me of him."

"But we have totally different haircuts."

"No, but the way you're looking at me right now, it reminds me of that." I explain my reasoning, hearing her hum and nod her head.

"Ah, I see." She mutters, quietly. I continue to move my hand through her hair, inspecting it. She keeps her arm around my waist and moves me close to her, sitting down on the edge of the bed, being level and I continue to inspect her hair.

"I really like it." I tell her,

"So, you've said."

"Well, I repeated it because I feel bad for what happened and I really mean it." I explain to her, seeing her nod her head.

"I know. You'd tell me if you didn't like it."

"Wha—? You make me sound like a bitch." I tell her, removing my hand from her hair.

"No, I mean, like, you—you would do it out of kindness." She explains to me,

"Oh." I long out,

"Yeah." She replies, chuckling. "You're not a bitch, my pretty girl. You're kind and just speak your mind which there is nothing wrong with." She assures me, resting her hands on my lower biceps. I nod my head and my eyes fall back to her hair,

"I can't get over it, it looks really cool." I say, moving her fingers from left to right with hair between yhem, using my index to sometimes curl the already curly parts of her hair. It's the haircut that Aaron Taylor Johnson has in Nowhere Boy, in the scene where he's wearing a red shirt and a leather jacket, I think he has blue jeans on and he's playing the guitar. I remember seeing the trailer somewhere and my sister watched it and I came in at some point, watched 20 minutes, then had to go. I saw the scene, it was nice. Her hair reminds me of the hair he has in that scene but a little more fluffier because of my doing. "Oh, shit, s—sorry, do you want me to—?"

"—No, keep going." She says, leaning her head forward. I smile and continue to run my hand through her hair.

I think I'm developing a crush on her hair...

If that's even possible.


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