Chapter 20: Boom!

Start from the beginning

"Crafty Buggars!" He walked towards the garage again and ordered the men inside.

 "Look for a lever or switch" He barked.

He grabbed me again and again pulled me inside the garage. I took this chance and broke free of him. Kneeing him you know where. I legged it to the door, slammed it shut once i'd gotten into the kitchen and bolted it shut. I sunk to the floor in shock. Shit! i really do love my adrenaline.

They started to bang on the door, shooting at it. Oh yeah like that was going to help i thought.


I started to panick, it'll be fine, i thought to myself they can't get in.


Oh crap the front door, I legged it to the front door, just as i saw one man heading up the front path. He saw me and started running towards the door also. It was a race. I managed to get there a plit second before him bolting it shut again. My body started to shake. I watched the man as he walked towards the window and pionted the gun towards the glass and towards me. Oh crap. He pulled the trigger. They all had silent guns, so neighbours wouldn't hear them, it was still early hours of the morning, they had either gone to work or were still asleep. I focused myself to the man again just as the bullet hit the glass, expecting it to smash and fly everywhere i covered my head with my arms bring them up around me.

 I looked up after a few seconds relising i didn't hear a smash. The glass only had the tinest dent init. Bullet proof glass. Yes! He kept firing and firing, that glass wouldn't hold for ever. I needed a plan, what to do? what to do? ugh. I had no weapon, the man was still firing at the window, which was now starting to crack, one bullet managed to break thorugh the glass. Crap.

Ummm!? What to do?! Ahhh!

The Gun. It was in the kitchen. I got up and ran for the kitchen, and grabbed the gun off the table just as the garage door was being broken down. I panicked and bolted it for the stairs not sure i what my plan was as i reached the top floor I heard the window finally give way and the men break in. I looked around for a route. I dashed into Tristans room and hid behind the wardrobe. I listened as i relised all of the men were in the house, I pulled the gun in close to me and started to look around my space. I felt around and came across a small vent, that lead around the bedrooms between the walls.I sliently pulled away the cover and crawed into it pulling the cover back over again.

The vent tunnels were large enough for me to comfortable crawl through, although the flooring was made of rubble and stone so the grit dug into my knees but its fine. Each of the rooms had a vent window so i could clearly look around the rooms while being hidden. I stopped at Isaacs room and waited while i heard them all run upstairs.


I watched as the bedroom door was opened up and one man walked into the room. I pressed the gun up to the vent holes and pulled the trigger, The shot was silent, Eli had started to buy silent guns. The bullet peirced his head, he didn't even have time to scream or cry out in pain as it kill him instantly, he dropped foward onto the bed, making no sound at all. One down, four to go.

I crawled along to the next vent where i heard loud whispering, it was coming from Eli's room. I looked through the vent to find two of them in the back to back searching for me. Agian i aimed and pulled the trigger at the one closest to me, i shot him well and he went down. The other man shit a brick and starting firing at anything around the room,

Eli bedroom door was kicked open, the guy who was firing aimlessly at anything, shot at the door as soon as it flung open killing another one of his men. Ha! he killed one of them himself. Three down, two to go. I shot at the man and he went down, i kicked at the vent opening and crawled out, i needed to make sure they were dead, as i couldn't get another good shot from the vent, after all i was wasn't that good at aiming. I walked up to them and kicked them all. Dead. Four down.

I made my way to the door and was just about to walk around the corner when i heard a moan, i turned round on my heels and relised that the one i shot last wasn't dead.

"CHASSEE! She's-"! I shot him down again, I kept firing, until in the end I was just hearing hte gun click as I had used up all of the bullets. I sunk down to my knees crying, the blood of the dead was spreading across the floor soaking into my clothing, I didn't care. I was a murderer. I was crying so hard that I didn't notice someone coming in through the door.

"Hello Princess"

I turned round to see Chase standing there, pionting a gun at my face.

He dropped his gun and came towards me forcing me on the bed. He tried taking of my clothing, but i kept kicking around to much, after 5 minutes he finally managed to pull of my top, he put all of his body weight on me i felt around for something to stop him, the only thing i could reach was the bedside table lamp. He was looking at me, he was too busy on getting my bottom half off. I grabbed it and smashed it across his head knocking him out cold. I pushed him off me knowing i only had a few minutes before he came back around.

I ran out the door and down the stairs taking two steps at a time, just as i reached the bottom i heard footsteps behind me, i looked up the stairs to see a furious Chase running down the stairs. I ran straight into the kitchen and pulled open all the draws looking for a weapon. I cam across kitchen knifes. I grabbed the smallest one and shoved it down my trousers behind me.

Chase came in the kitchen door, staggering from the hit to his head.He looked at me, his eyes red.


He ran towards me and put his hands around my neck, choking me, I reached behind me and grabbed the knife and slashed it across his neck screaming in anger. He fell back grabbing his neck. He hit the cold tiled floor. I looked down at him and sunk to his level watching him take his last breaths. he looked straight into my eyes and moved his lips to speak his final words.


With that he went into the light,he blood leaking from his lifeless body. I curled up into a little ball, Ashamed of myself i was a killer, one of them. After five minutes something clicked in my head and i shot my glance back to Chase's body. I spoke to his body in disbelief.

"You knew my name?!"

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