Vol 2 Ch 18(Lee) Search for the Calstianos Family (Part 2/2)

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"...Hi" I spoke, breaking the silence "I'm clearly not a part of this group...and for the record, you all had a zombie in your bathroom" They seemed surprised by it.

"No wonder it was locked, body must have been leaning against the wall...I doubt you're alone, considering you got through the window...i assume, unless there is a gapping hole in the wall in the bathroom now." The woman seemed to be the leader of the group, they seem well fed, and just overall seemed like a happy group, at least i got from her not shooting me on sight and instead joking with me, yet, it's not like i trust them either.

"No...i am, i was just taught to get into hard to reach places it's easier to find ways to get to areas alone than with others." I technically didn't lie, i knew how to get into hard to reach places and to do it alone as well.

"I guess that's a useful skill to have, though i don't buy it, Lee" I was ready to bolt before you spoke again "Wait no! Hold on! I was just teasing, i know you guys, i was a counselor in the school, I've tried to get students and protect them with other people, as you can see we have children here, and from the yearbook, i assumed you were still alive due to never...well...seeing your corpse...i hope you're not alone...Sam, Kenneth, Nicholai, Kyle...all of them, i hope you are with them, you were never a mentally sound kid, no offense, so i would hope you didn't handle this all alone" I never really visited my grade's counsler, so i couldn't really tell if it was the truth, but considering what I'm seeing, with everyone seemingly getting along, and with how dark it is, we don't really have a choice.

"The door, can i unlock it? Just for a minute?"

"B-but the monsters outside!" One of the younger kids ran up to the counselor, they had black hair while wearing this puffy coat, it was cold out, and even i could still feel a chill in here inside.

"It's alright, this here is Lee" She introduced me to everyone "He was a student at the school i worked at, he may have not talked often but he's got some heart, i don't think he's trick us to letting the monsters in." The monsters but must've been a ploy to not make the kids fearful that their parents are dead, after all if you call it a monster you can just say it's a coincidence or the monsters can choose to look like a kids parents, it was smart, but deceit full. "Go ahead, just close it when you're done with whatever it is that needs doing" I walked over to the door, it seemed many others were trying to protest as i heard rambling behind me, but it was just quiet enough for me to ignore. I opened it and was greeted by my team standing there, seemingly ready to break in.

"Hi...again" i said the last part under my breath.

"What the...wait is that!" Sam bolted past me and headed for the counselor, i guess she knows her.

"Guess we're intruding" Nicholai walked in with Kenneth, afterwards i shut the door and locked it again, the lock seemed flimsy yet it may hold. While i turned around Sam shoved something in my face.

"They got candy here Lee!" It seems she either forgave me for earlier or was too focused on the candy. She held a chocolate bar in front of me with one hand with another bar in her other hand.

"We have candy and sweets in Eaxura too" I made sure to mention Eaxura quietly.

"Well yeah, but i was worried that we'd be here long enough to forget what it tastes like" I felt a hand on my shoulder and noticed the counselor sneaked up on me, it was worrying.

"You guys must be tired it is late after all...actually...i sound like some serial killer don't i" She seemed slightly panicked that her way of speaking may have threatened us.

"It's fine, I've heard worse" Nicholai sat with one of the kids, after speaking to us she went back to talking to the kid, i assume to make sure they're in top condition, or to ask how this group is, children tend to be brutally honest sometimes after all.

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