Vol 2 Ch 5(Sam): His Choice (Choice B Route)

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It felt like a massive headache woke me up, and when I opened my eyes I was sitting in a chair, lying my face on a desk. The air around me felt cold, yet warm, something that doesn't really happen often. I raised my head and looked out the window like it was second nature. The sun was setting, turning the sky into an orange haze. This wasn't where I was before was it?

"Guess Kai was right" I heard Lee's voice to my left, I looked over and saw him leaning in the doorway with his arms folded...Kai...it was still surprising knowing one of our teachers became a DT...moreso surprising that Lee wants him dead for some reason...I don't think Lee himself knows the reason why.

"Right about what?" I rubbed my eyes, even though I felt like this was a dream, a part of me felt calm, and it made me want this to last as long as possible.

"He was talking to me a few hours ago, talked about your sleeping problem...you have narcolepsy or something?" His question seemed genuine, I guess I have been sleeping a lot lately, but I didn't think it was that bad. I heard something drip onto the desk, and Lee seemed to have heard it. I looked at the desk and saw red "You alright?" I touched under my nose and I could feel it, blood was trickling out.

"I-I dunno, I feel nauseous" Was this corruption? But...did corruption cause headaches?...it shouldn't be this bad, I stood in the mist for just a few seconds, maybe a minute at most.

"Come on, Let's go see the nurse" Nurse...the school day was over for awhile..there shouldn't be one, and yet, a sense of unease washed over me...maybe I would just tag along.

"Yeah" I got up from the desk and covered my nose with my hand. When I walked over to Lee he got up from the doorway and incrossed his arms. We walked into the hallway, heading towards whatever nurse's office that supposedly still had a nurse here. Other than seeing the orange haze, the school seemed like a carbon copy of the one that I had when I was human.

"So, why is your nose bleeding?" Lee made a motion with his left hand, I couldn't really see it that well though, mainly due to the sun's glare piercing through the window. "Do you have some condition I don't know about?"

"Not really, the only "illness" I had is over" Being in the hospital for a lot of my childhood was painful, not being able to move the lower half of me only made it worse.

"Right...maybe it's coming back?" Right as he said that I felt hurt...if it came back...how many things would change? "Ah! I-I'm sorry...I was just thinking out loud, hehe, I mean, that illness didn't make your nose bleed if I recall" I nodded and the rest of the walk was in silence.

"Is this it?" Lee stopped in front of a door, so I asked.

"Yep!" He opened the door and looked around, as I guessed there was no teacher, Nicholai was looking out a window though... "Hey Nicholai" She looked over to us and immediately saw my bloody nose, and how my hands were getting stained in purple "You have something to h- Oh my god!" In the middle of him asking for something he looked over at me "Why didn't you tell me it got worse!?" He practically forced a handkerchief into my hand "Here...like I was saying...is there anything that can stop a nose bleed? Or just any other thing that can stop it from ending up on everything?"

"I'll look for something, you two should clean your hands though, looks like you just killed someone" Following Nicholai's advice, Lee and I went to one of those larger sinks that the office had, the type of sink that multiple people can use.

"You alright Sam? Feel like you're gonna pass out at all?" As he said that it made me think...wouldn't all this blood loss kill me? If anything, Lee looks like he's dying if anything. As I thought that, a headache washed over me again "Tsk! The hell?" The headache came once he said that. I looked over and saw that his hand was bleeding...why...why would it be bleeding, there's nothing in or on the sink that could cut you and he was fine just a second ago. 

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