Chapter 2(Kenneth): Stopping by (1/2)

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Present Day?

"Ahh, so Nicholai was right, you did step in a bear trap" I sat beside Lee, the air was cold as normal, with the fire we all made before setting up camp was slowly dying out.

"Huh? How'd you'd know?" He looked at Nicholai, confused and waiting for a response

"I don't know, Medic's intuition?" Nicholai laid back on her chair

"You weren't even a Medic at that time thouuugh..." I tired voice behind me and Lee spoke "Jeez, why are you all so loud anyways"

"Sorry Sam, I was just telling them stuff about our first day at the trials you know?" Lee sat up and went off "I'll be back, it's my turn to keep watch anyways" As he said that Crystal, a young girl who Lee and Sam found years ago, came back

"Really putting me to work already huh?"

"Hey, I did tell you if you wanted to join us you'd have to pull your weight, you being a child was just a free trial" Lee passed Crystal as she took his spot

"So? What are you guys doing?" You could tell that Lee and Sam looked after her, as she had a mixture of their posture

"Talking about stuff, like what we did before we became full fledge DTs" I answered her question, stretching in the process

"Oh! How about I hear? I mean, Lee doesn't talk much about back then, and Sam, well" She look over at the dizzy Sam who was probably still half asleep "Yeah, she's not exactly awake enough to tell me"

"Alright" I relaxed on my seat again "Sam, I know you're tired but go relax with Lee, we're meant to be in pairs anyways" I looked around waiting for Neal to come back "Hey, Crystal, where's Neal?" She looked around, I felt a hand grab behind me. I jumped up, normally I'd get in a fighting stance like Lee taught us, but, I'd grown used to Neal and Sam's shenanigans "Neal..."

"Ah, well that's not fun, Sam and Crystal always freak out" I sighed in disappointment at Neal, the guy was good at fighting, but if only he'd take it more seriously

"Anyhow, wanna join us? I was thinking of continuing off of Lee's story, but our version instead" I sat back down, but I was no longer relaxed, instead, I was waiting for Neal to sit, mainly because if he sat down, I didn't have anyone to worry about, after all, Sam was with Lee, so there was no issues there

"Sure, I don't see why not" He took a seat across from me, leaning forward waiting for me to speak

"Alright, so after Lee's day 1 right? Okay, let's begin

??? Years ago

"Huh..I thought that it would take months to drop in and help them...but a day?" My sis, Nicholai, was suspecting something as normal, but I can't blame her, this is territory we've never been in. We were waiting for a drop off point to arrive next to us and we'd practically pop up right next to them "God my head still hurts"

"Neal did say to prepare yourself" While talking, I was working on a drone that I tried fixing during the apocalypse "I knew this thing was special, but when I was fixing it, I didn't know it was from another world"

"Wait till Lee finds out, him and his brother always played that game...actually, speaking of Lee, you noticed it too right?" At first, I didn't know what she meant but, when I pieced it together I remembered 

"Lee's last name right? Yeah, I'm just as confused as you are, Anc, but kind of abbreviation is that, I swear the world did him dirty" Not much was wrong with the robot, more so, just burns and some damaged wiring, and about Lee, I was more-so joking about the last name thing, I was just as confused as her, just sounded off, yet a bit familiar. I was just getting finished with my repairs when the drop-in..thingy...whatever it's called came in 

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