Vol 2 Ch 11: Memory Unlocked (Part 2)

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Lee's POV

I had to be quick, otherwise, Sam would be stuck in that hotel building for who knows how long. As I had mentioned to her before, it took a day to get back to the hideout, yet I made it before those guys did. In the distance I could see them right outside the hideout, I wanted to just shoot them down. I reached for my shoulder for my rifle, but stopped short, right, Sam had it, it wasn't even just that though, the angle I was at, I was still on the ground floor, and they, even if small, had the height advantage thanks to that tank. They started speaking, yet I didn't understand what language, this city was known for having many languages in it...though, Cally was able to translate it, and she only knows Russian and English, so it was clear what it was...but me knowing the language wouldn't mean I knew how to speak or understand it...I took out my pistol and checked the mag...seven shots, more than enough, but it'd draw in noise...heh, I'm sure that building coming down was loud enough, surprisingly though, the dust already settled and that building managed to miss other structures...not like it's that surprising though, considering most buildings were already majorly destroyed. All three of them were facing the hideout, so I decided to creep closer to them, pistol drawn, I checked the floor to make sure I wouldn't step on anything that would draw noise over to me, especially when I'm right behind them. I made it up to the back of the tank, the thing was menacing, and just one shot from the barrel would blow me to bits. The conversation the three were having seemed to turn to arguing, every now and again they'd shout at each other, well, only two of them were from what I could hear, meaning, I could pick one off and they wouldn't notice. When their shouting became the loudest I jumped onto the tank and climbed up it, the guy was sitting on the entrance to the tank, I took out my knife, resting my hand that held the pistol onto the hand holding the knife. I got behind the guy, making sure he wasn't talking, and that the other two, who stood at the hideout door weren't looking. I raised my knife and knelt down near the guy, my knee banged against the metal, and so it was all or nothing. While the guy turned I moved forward and practically jammed my gun down his throat, I pressed my knife against his neck and cut, the guy tried biting my fingers, but it seemed like he was going out of it. He clawed at my wrist but eventually stopped and I could see the shine in his eyes fade away.

I was tempted to just shoot the other two, yet it seemed like they were unarmed... No, who the hell was I kidding? They took down a whole building just to try and kill us! They deserved death. I raised my pistol but before I could pull the trigger I felt something pierce my neck. I did a 180 and whipped my pistol through the air, I felt that it made contact with something. When my clarity of the situation became more clear, I saw someone with a syringe holding their head with their free hand, it seemed like the guy jabbed me with the syringe, yet, it didn't do anything, and when the person refocused, they seemed surprised as well, yet didn't speak, that must've been why I didn't hear them to begin with. They tried rushing me but I pulled the trigger before they could, the round hit their right shoulder, yet it didn't come out the other end. I shot again before they could muster any resolve to continue charging me and this time, it pierced their left shoulder, seemingly hitting the heart. I knelt down, my body was beginning to feel weird, like I wanted to claw out my own neck. I heard a thud behind me, then another, I remembered the two people behind me and flipped around, facing my gun behind me, yet with a single motion, I felt the slide of my pistol going back, and the mag hitting onto the outer frame of the tank, bouncing off onto the floor.

"Next time, if someone does that, you jab them in the stomach" I started taking deep breaths to focus. My vision was a mess...When it came back however, I noticed that it was Kenneth who did that.

"Kenneth? But you should've been at the school"

"Cally gave me and Nicholai a hollar over the radio, the signal was clearly terrible, so i knew you guys were somewhere in the zone where the building fell" Kenneth back up, hopping down the tank, he knelt down and picked up my mag, lifting it up to me. "five more rounds" He notified me, I jumped onto the floor and took the mag, putting it back into the gun. "This" He stretched his arms out to his side and did a single slow spin. "Is why you don't give idiots heavy machinery." I walked past him and headed for the hideout, placing my hand on the panel, like it typically did, it announced my name and ID, then, allowed me in. 

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