Chapter 5: Remembering what brought us here

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Four teens were walking across the sidewalk, a boy with green hair who's more so, responding than actually talking, a boy with blond hair with a small drone flying beside him, a girl with a pink ponytail talking everyone's ear off, and a girl also with blond hair who is reading a book.

"You're telling me you haven't watched it yet?" Sam, as usual, was hyper

"Sam, I don't get as much time as you, after all, being in the hospital? You've got ages to do whatever!" Sam used to be in the hospital due to her not being able to move, by some miracle, recently she was able to move, although it just happened today, so all the energy she's gained over that time was clear. Lee was also in the hospital before, although that was for way less than Sam's condition.

"That's no excuse Lee, I was able to watch it, it's just the news after all" Kenneth had made a drone to accompany everyone, after all, them all being together like this was rare, so someone was bound to be alone sooner or later. "I was even able to finish the vocal system for it as well! Although, I haven't gotten it to the point where it can hold a conversation yet." The drone looked down, it didn't have a face but you could tell it was sad by the beep it made

"It's cute, I'll give it that" Nicholai had closed her book and was now focusing on the conversation "So? What news are you all on about?" The drone got in front of Nicholai but when it tried doing what it wanted it seemed to bug out

"Oh! don't do that Dave! I haven't finished that! You can show people things later" Kenneth was currently working on a way for Dave to show things, like the way a computer would. Thinking on it, everyone here shows promise in some sort of field, Lee, at least the others think, is a natural-born leader, Sam is amazing at making people feel better and making themselves confident, Kenneth is able to build things without a blueprint, even making his own things, Nicholai is great at healing people's wounds even if she can be rude at times, it was a weird bunch that was for sure.

"Was it trying to show me the news?" Nicholai looked over at Kenneth, waiting for his answer on the drone

"Yeah, although I still need a bit more time with it, same with the personality" Another thing Kenneth was working on, in order for it to have a realistic and not boring conversation, it would need a personality.

"Jeez, why do you keep giving yourself more work?" Although Sam shouldn't be talking since she did all her work in the hospital, she still questioned Kenneth's will to always have something to work on.

"Me? Look at Lee, the guy writes a chapter a day!" It may have sounded like Kenneth was trying to get Sam to scold Lee for working every day, but it was more of trying to show his hard work.

"Lee's doing something fun though! How is getting burned by wielding any fun?" Kenneth was going to retaliate but then realized that Sam usually watches him build, therefore, knows he does get burned a lot.

"...fair" And Kenneth admits defeat.

"Hey, we're here, let's stop messing around okay?" Nicholai had walked into the school building, if you were to ask if they liked the place, they would most likely tell you, yes and no, the only reason it's tolerable is because of one of the teachers they all share.

"But, I really think the news today was important!" Sam really seemed like she wanted them to see the news

"Then tell us later, Ruco and Kai are nice and all, but we've all been late enough times for them to get mad at us" Lee had putten on different shoes after he entered, just like the other three did

"Actually....seeing how they are when mad seems interesting" Some would say Sam should stay in the hospital for how insane some of her decisions are, although, not all of them are insane.

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