Memory Chapter 1: I Know Him

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After speaking about school Kenneth regained a memory he had forgotten about when he became a DT.

It was in the middle of December just like how it was now, we were all in class wearing our puffy little coats, from what I could see, Sam was most likely asleep, I sat in front so I couldn't tell, but it was a habit that she often had, so I didn't really need to see, even the teacher got used to it and just let her be. There was a kid that Sam kept talking about over and over again, saying she recognized him, yet the kid seemed so introverted, it didn't really seem like the type of friend that Sam would make, and yet, without missing a beat, even when sleeping, the minute that bell rang and school or even just the class was over, she'd try to get him to talk day after day, honestly, he must be so annoyed.

"Come on, you don't have to be silent all the time, I'm sure of it, we've met before, just say your name and I bet I can remember"

"Is Sam still trying to talk with him?" My twin sister Nicholai asked me a question

"I guess so, she keeps saying she knows him, but...I dunno, it feels off" I laid my face on my hand

"Well, we're all odd, adults keep saying we act way too mature for our age" She looked over at Sam "Well, most of us"

"Green hair...that's odd as well, who would dye their kid's hair that young?" The more I talked I only agreed with Nicholai's point that she made back then, we were oddly mature for our age, I wonder why that is, it must've been another locked memory when I became a DT.

"Well, Sam will probably get over it eventually, it's probably just some weird doppelgounger"

"Doppelganger" I corrected her saying, only proving her point more.

"Sure, whatever"

Day 2 of Sam's attempts

We were walking along the sidewalk, it was the day after Friday (Saturday for people who somehow don't know) so we had free time, soon we came across the kid again who was sitting down

"You!" Sam ran up to him, he seem startled "I'm not giving up I'll remember your name no matter what!" She didn't take a single breath, saying it all in one go. The snow became colder, and yet the guy was out here all alone "Hey! How about you join us?" The kid stood up slowly and stood beside me, I guess that was a yes "Now, let's do some karaoke!" Even I knew Sam was being harsh, yet it was a good strategy, get the kid to sing and you'll hear his voice and maybe remember him.

"Closed" My past self said "The snow hit something of their's, cut the power or something along those lines"

"ohh...Well how about we go relax at my place, this cold is killing me anyways" She also forgot how late it was getting, regardless, we all agreed, well, if you could count the kid's silence as a yes then...yes.

We made it to her front door and pressed the doorbell button, it soon opened with Sam's made me realize, during the apocalypse, what happened to them? They were such caring people, I didn't want to think about what hardships they went through, being alone just the two of them, without their daughter.

"S- Cold ain't it?" I could tell by being here many times that Sam's dad was about to speak Japanese but then saw us and spoke in English.

"Hehe, yeah" After Sam said that her dad looked behind her and saw the kid

"Oh? Who's the new member of the crew?" He knelt to get to the kid's level

"I dunno, I feel like I know him from somewhere yet I can't remember, and he doesn't really talk much" Sam said it with such a smile that you think this was normal behavior around here

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