Vol 2 Ch 14 (Kenneth): A Wreckful Evening

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"Hey...wake up" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Kai sat on one knee while resting his left arm on his left knee. "Lee and Sam's location changed...the situation has changed as well." He walked over to the edge and I followed. "See?" He pointed past the compound, in the distance was this massive creature, almost twice the size of the forest.

"So where'd they go?" 

"Dunno, their signal went blank for a few minutes, hell, maybe even longer, it felt like time stopped around me...afterwards though their signal went back towards the settlement...seems we came here for nothing." Great, pointless wandering...I hated it...it's not like it was a peace walk either, at least that may be tolerable...though, I wondered what he meant when he talked about time freezing, I didn't feel a thing.

"Alright, so we head back, what's the big deal?"

"Nothing really, you're right, we could just head back."


"...no...nothing, let's get going" Kai seemed interested in the compound...too interested.

"No, tell me, I'm tired of you guys hiding stuff. What's in there that's so important." Kai seemed surprised...probably didn't expect me of all people to speak up about the secret-keeping.

"There's a resource here that I could use, it's called Teanial."

"Never heard of it"

"Didn't think so" He sat down and had his legs dangle against the wind. "It supposedly can fix certain relics, whether it's time-travel related, or even world killing related. It's better if we have it"

"So why'd you want to leave?"

"Some of my guys were meant to get it...But I'll put a little more faith into them...so, like I said, let's get going."

"Right" Kai turned around and slashed the air, opening a portal. We both walked in...I was still pissed that this was pointless, we could've stayed at the settlement and helpe- 

"Wuh?" Interrupting my thoughts was Matt, as he stood in front of us, confused for whatever reason. "Wa...I thought I was tracking you...so, why're you guys here?"

"...shit" Kai mumbled under his breath, I only heard the last bit, why can't my hearing be like Lee and Sam's? "Listen, since I was being honest with Kenneth I'll tell you, not like it's a big deal. Me and Kenneth went into another timeline as we thought they went there, and being honest, just our existence there may have done something. Time paradox don't exist in Zullo, you can meet up with yourself from another timeline, It's just, we may have changed how it should've went...I doubt it, considering Lee and you all in that time weren't there." He stopped for a bit. "So maybe we actually didn't change anything..."

"That doesn't answer who I was chasing though" Matt had his axe at the ready.

"Well, what made you think it was us?" I looked down to see if I noticed any trail.

"Well, because I saw you both, like, you looked exactly the same as what I saw"

"Mimics then, simple enemies...unless it's the corruptor version, in that case...a living catastrophe...Matt, did they see or hear you?"

"You think I'm stupid? No. They teleported before I could get to them though." Matt desummoned his axe.

"So you were chasing people who teleported?" I opened my hud while Kai and Matt talked. I went into the menu where our entire squad was. 

Lee Ancker LV ?? R5

Corruption Meter: 44%

Sam Cal LV?? R4

HP: 350/400
MP: 160/160

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