Vol 2 Ch1(Nicholai): Letting go of Paradise (Part 1/2)

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"How did it go?" I didn't have to turn around to know that Lee was awake

"It was cut short, I couldn't see what happened" Lee was trying to find a way to save the past and change our future, sadly, it wasn't going well

"So another bust?"

"No, I'll be able to continue it later, for now, let's focus on living" Living in this reality, was an utter nightmare "By the way..." He trailed off, but I knew what he wanted to know

"Sam's condition isn't any better, but she's stable"

"And the population of Eaxura?" It may seem drastic to ask that, but Lee tends to dive into the past for awhile, resulting in me trying to do things alone

"Good or bad first?" I raised my hand, flicking a few switches to reserve the bus' gas


"Eaxura dipped from 100 mil, to 50 mil overnight" Lee stood still, in silence, only to begin talking again

"And the good news?" He sat in the seat beside me, noticing it now, the bus' design was weird, but nonetheless, it was handy for our circumstances

"That thing hasn't been spotted recently, meaning people won't get infected as much" Lee was about to say something, I answered him before he could respond though. "No, I haven't found a cure yet, if I did, Sam wouldn't be in the state that she's in" Lee sighed, I didn't blame him, this reality was taking its toll on us

"Where's Kenneth?" I was ready to call him a moron for forgetting so soon, but remembered that he was in his dive when he left

"He went off to trade some stuff with some survivors" When I said survivors, Lee's face seemed more depressed

"Survivors...our home became some infestation..." His mood seemed to go up afterward though "By the way, did Crystal go with him?"

"Yeah, she's a good fighter now, a bit reckless sure, but a good fighter nonetheless" I pulled up my map from the hud and began looking for Kenneth, his arrow was blinking "Lee!"

"I see it" Knowing that Lee knew as well, I pushed the bus to its limit, going as fast as possible. Lee got up and stood at the door ready to jump out of it.

We arrived at the blinking arrow, left by Kenneth, coming to a sudden halt, we saw him and Crystal sprinting in our direction

"They're infected!" Crystal got on first, dashing past Lee, Kenneth on the other hand, with all the gear he had on, was slowed down tremendously

"I got it" Lee stood on the side of the door, leaving enough room for Kenneth to get on, and summoned a rifle, even from where I was sitting I could see hesitation

"Wait, what're you doing" One of the infected spoke at us "What did we do wrong?" Even if it wasn't their fault, any infected person needed to be killed to prevent the spread, we couldn't have more of those things around this place. I saw Lee grit his teeth, the guilt was setting in before he even shot them, but in the end, he knew what had to be done. Lee raised his rifle and fired off a shot, it hit the skull of the man talking perfectly, and after a few seconds, he stopped moving, hitting the floor as blood slowly trickled out. Lee pulled the charging handle, allowing for another shot to be fired, and that he did, again and again, firing at them, although Lee tried to hide it, I could see him tearing up, I could only imagine... Lee talked to these people more than I did...Kenneth as well, the fact that he's alive is a miracle, and Lee has begun to think that he can save Sam as well, the harsh reality though, is that the chances of Sam living were almost none, yet, I couldn't bring myself to tell either Kenneth or Lee, only the others know.

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