Vol 2 Ch 10: Inside the Compound (Lee's Version)

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I was laying down, and I could feel the back of my hand against my face. I sat up with slight resistance and lowered my hand to my side. I was almost immediately greeted with a door, and near the top of it were these bars, it was like I was in some damn solitary confinement. Inside the room was different from the door, it looked a lot more comfortable, the bed seemed pristine, and there was even a TV in the corner. While the room was fine, I didn't know how the people were...All I recall is sniping with Sam and then immediately getting knocked out. I held out my hand and tried summoning my sword, I was able to, which made me more confused...Actually, speaking of Sam...I had no clue where she was. 

I got up and looked through the bars, the place was dark, and I couldn't see much, but there was at least no one at the door. I backed off and knelt near the door, the keyhole was there, and I got an idea. I took off my headband and summoned my knife, hopefully, this would work. I moved my headband so the sharp edges were facing up, I guess those edges finally had some purpose besides for striking others. I wiggled the headband in and put my knife right under it, clearly, these two things were clearly not fitting, but I had to make it work. I moved my headband around, to see if I could feel any indent, I was able to feel one after moving for a minute or two, I flicked up once, no click, I tried a weaker flick, still nothing, I tried flicking as fast and with as much strength as I could, then, it clicked, I moved around more, seeing for any other indent, yet there was none, so I moved my knife to the right, the keyhole moved slightly, the damn lock was rusty, or it could've been since I was forcing these two things into it, I moved it enough where it became easier, I heard something crack and as I moved the lock all the way to the right my knife snapped, the blade broke off of its hilt, that wasn't all though, the second it broke I felt a sharp pain in my heart, even getting shot wasn't this painful. I fell onto my hand and knees with the knife in my right hand, I began to notice some glow from the knife as a very soft string coming from my heart went to the knife, and soon, the blade broke in the lock vanished and the knife was repaired, including the blade on it.

"What the..." I mumbled to myself, I know that they said our main weapons couldn't break, but I don't recall them saying we repaired any weapons we touched. I stood up and put away my knife. My headband was still in the lock, yet it wasn't broken, damaged, or even scratched, it was pristine, perfectly fine as it was before. I took it out and reclipped it to my head. I walked up to the door about to open it, until I noticed my hat hanging on the wall, well, I can't leave without that. I grabbed it and put it on, making sure the headband was still visible. I opened the door, walking through it. It was near impossible to see anything, so I decided to try something. Yuna!

"Oh! You actually called me for once" 'Though I didn't want to...' I could see her walking beside me, she had this glow around her, yet, she didn't light up anything other than herself. 'Can you, oh I don't know, help with this abyss?' "I can try...well, you can try, just do what Sam did, you have her powers thanks to the partner-link after all"  She was right, actually, instead of lighting up the place, It was a shot in the dark, since we both had to do it. Using my left hand I put my fingers onto my palm and jerked my hand down. Nothing. "Ain't that lucky any more are ya?" 'Shut up!' I snapped my fingers just like Sam, a fire sparked but faded away quickly. I tried again, but the same result happened. I tried once more, but this time I kept my fingers together after snapping, that seemed to work, a small little fireball was right above my fingertips, it felt painful though, like my hand was gonna melt, before moving onwards I went back into my room, ripped some of the bedding and wrapped it around my now removed headband, I lit the bedding on fire and held my band in my right hand, and on I went, Yuna seemed to have bailed as well. I continued onto the left path, or at least, what seemed like a path, it felt like every day I was getting thrown into dark environments. While walking I felt like I kicked against something, I knelt down and began searching with my makeshift torch, soon I came across a small ribbon...I couldn't tell if it was Sam's or not, even with the torch I couldn't see much of the color or any names. I put it in my pocket and continued on. A terrible smell started to take over my nose, even if I tried breathing in with my mouth, the smell continued.

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