Chapter 7(Lee): A different Reality

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"Hey! Are you even listening!" My brain hurt, all I could do was hold my head, that was until I realized that whoever's body I was in was driving, so instead, I endured the pain and continued driving, even though I didn't know where we were going. 

"S-sorry, I wasn't, you mind repeating?" I turned and almost jumped, Crystal was in the passenger seat, her voice and the way she acted, was almost like she was a different person, the main difference I saw in her appearance was that one of her eyes was purple.

"What's gotten into you? You on drugs or something?" I felt like throwing up, even though in the mirror I looked mostly the same besides for some changes, the sudden change in my surroundings, the sudden change in Crystal, it felt like my brain was ready to explode. "Hold on...It isn't happening is it?"

"H-Huh?" Before I could react Crystal pulled up a menu, the same that DTs have, and pressed a button, the car went into auto-pilot, the location was D.T.M.T HQ

"It's fine, just relax" For someone who was just insulting me, she seemed worried. "Let me ask you some questions, I need to make sure if I'm right"

"Alright...go ahead" I was entirely faced in her direction, waiting for any question.

"How old am I?" I was going to open my mouth but then realized how much older she looked

"...11?" She looked disappointed

"Your luck is still intact that's for sure, yes, that's my age, but it's clear you guessed" She was thinking for a second before talking again "What're you investigation right now?"

"I...don't know" My gaze began to shift somewhere else, looking more out the window, than at her

"Something's definitely wrong with you...let me ask you something, this will tell me everything" She looked like she was going to regret asking this, but opened her mouth anyways "Is Kenneth and Sam still alive?" Everything in my body felt like it froze, I just sat there thinking to myself, they die? How? How can I prevent it, if this really is some future!? Those were my main thoughts "That far!? Yeah, we're going to DTMT Headquarters now!" The car sped up

"What year is it?" I put my hand on my face, I still couldn't feel anything, everything was still so numb.

"2030, which I'm assuming is a few years from your world" It seemed like now that she knew I wasn't her Lee, that she was treating me better, what did the Lee in this world do to be hated by her?

"What am I exactly investigating?" It was the next question on my mind, if I was investigating something, then it was clear I wasn't a DT, or at least, not any that exist in my time.

"What you would investigate, something that'd make you tunnel-visioned until you find the answer, what do you think you're investigating?" She just looked at me, the jarring difference in the Crystal I knew and the one in front of me, was still more than startling

"Is it...Sam and Kenneth's killer?" 

"Spot on, but it isn't just their killer, the guy has been killing many others, Nicholai thinks there are more than one, but somethings wouldn't make sense that way, but...other things wouldn't make sense if they were alone" I was ready to ask a question, it may have been rude considering she's helping me adjust to this timeline

"So...why are you here? I offense, but you're not even a teen" I knew it would tick her off, which it did, but I wanted to know

"YO-..."She paused for a minute, I assumed she was ready to grill me but instead she just sunk into her seat and sighed "Nicholai was right, even your past self has no tact" She sighed again "If you don't know in your timeline, then it would be better if I didn't tell you, all that you need to know, is that we're related okay? Although, many things would make it feel like the opposite" I never remembered having a sister...It could be something else, but it's no point in pushing it

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