Vol 2 Ch 3(Matt): Expedition (Part 1/3)

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As we teleported off I set a timer, 3 days is our time limit, it may seem like a lot, but in our situation, it would take two days just going in and out, so we had 1 day only for extra time

3 days until extraction

"Here, I'll mark it on the map" Kenneth summoned his hud and placed a yellow waypoint on the area we were going to.

"Just in case we get separated right?" Crystal walked in front of us

"Yep, exactly that" While he said that he slowed down until he was next to me, then he walked at my pace "How's the arm? Did it malfunction yet?" Kenneth started spewing a ton of questions

"The arm is fine, no issues yet either, although, using magic with it...it feels off" I looked at my arm, using it was weird enough, but trying to fight with it is a whole other situation

"Tsk" I heard Crystal, we both went over to her "There" Before I could say anything she pointed over at Eaxura, I took out my binoculars and looked around

"Is that....." It looked like a corruptor and yet, it looked like one of those things

"They don't just eat them anymore? They fuse!?" Kenneth knelt down and began looking "We can take that path" I saw another waypoint on my map, from the looks of it, while it was safe now, in a few hours we would be surrounded if we didn't leave:

"In and out, we don't have time for looking around" Crystal looked concerned at my comment "What?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it" Crystal began to stretch "Let's get going now, if it's as you say, staying here is a horrible idea"

"Alright, Matt, Take point" Kenneth moved aside so I could get in front of him. We began to make our way into the inner workings of Eaxura, that was until we met a roadblock, AKA, Those new Corrupted things

"What do we do?" Crystal asked as we all went up against a building while I peeked around the corner

"It's only one, I was thinking of just killing it, but we don't know what it can do anymore" The thing moved sparaticly, with random movements like it was glitching across the place "Sneaking past it is our only option really"

"We can't even see where we're going without light, did you forget how dark it is?" Crystal had a point, except, I'd had already been accustomed to the dark by those supply runs, so I could see just fine, but it didn't include them, so there was no point in mentioning it to the two.

"How about we go in the building?" I looked at the building we were leaning on, it had UV lights in them

"Heh, I don't blame them" When Crystal noticed the UV lights she made the comment, with Kenneth interjecting

"I get what you mean, they make Eaxura in semi-eternal darkness, so, why not think that they're afraid of the sun's rays?" Kenneth moved away any broken glass that might've stabbed us and motioned me to go. I vaulted the window and landed on broken glass, I looked at Kenneth

"There was no point after all" I gave a joking shrug and moved out the way so they could get in. While getting in, Crystal managed to get hit in the leg

"Damn!" Her thigh was bleeding

"How'd you manage that?" Kenneth sat her down and checked

"Hey! I'm not as tall as you all, you made it so you and Matt could get in, not someone my size!" I looked at the window because of Crystal's comment, after looking at it, yeah, the lower glass was still there

"It's fine, we have an extra day of time, and, I'm assuming you won't let a little stab stop you" I looked around the store while Kenneth dealt with the demon girl

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