Unknown Journal Section 6 and 15

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After Training her magic with Madoka, Sam decided to read the parts of the Journal that no one else read before it was given to Sam

Day 214:
This place is still an absolute hell, if anything, it's gotten worse, more horrific, and yet, a part of me wants to save it, I need to save it, I need to pay for the things I've done, maybe...maybe just maybe I could turn back time and fix it all, I can give everyone their happy ending that we've wanted for all these years.

Day 215:
I've begun to experiment with time travel, it seems that a certain metal in New Min can help with it, I don't know how much is true, but I decided to give it a try, but in order to get the metal, I need to turn back time, after all, that things an absolute hell hole anyways.

Day 216:
I did it, I managed to just rewind New Min, it was exhausting, and used up a lot of blood, but I got it, they see me as a traitor now, I'm sorry, to the past me, you may become an outcast because of me, but just know that I have to do this, I need to fix everything.

Day 220:
I made small rings to use, it helps with the burden that is using time travel powers, and hopefully helps with new time travel users as well, although, I can't test that fact, there are ten rings in total, half of them were lost, I time traveled to random points in time and as a result, in some of them I was attacked. If any are found, then use them however you please, my time, my life, it's all coming to an end anyway.

Day 221:
I went to go check out Eaxura today, it brought back terrible memories, Sam, Nicholai, Kenneth, Matt... Every one of you died due to my actions, I swear, I'll get you back no matter how many tries it takes, no matter how much I have to die for it, I'll give every single one of you, your happy ending

Day 230:
It's over...I tried my best, but the corruption won, it progressed at a rate that I couldn't combat it, soon I'll become one of them, one of the things that turned my life into an absolute nightmare. At this point, I'm relying on the past versions of me to finish what I started, I'll give all of them the rings...one of them...one of them has to get it right, please, don't allow them to suffer again

Day 235:
It burns! Every single cell in my body burns! I have to, I have to keep records of my days even if they're pointless or painful, someone has to find something useful in these...no...forget it, I don't care if I'm not being cryptic, I don't care if this gets into the wrong hands, I don't care if people call me a murder, everything, I'll write everything in the next journal, I can't die without getting it all off my chest, even if I'm dead by the time someone reads this..why am I lying to myself...even if I write it down, I'll still blame myself

An extra page was jammed in the journal, it clearly didn't belong, and yet it was still apart of the series of Journals that the person made

Day:...oh who cares anymore
How long has it been, I keep delaying my death by taking the medicine that Kenneth and Nicholai made before they died, and yet, it doesn't stop the pain, there's no one alive anymore, there's no AI to talk to, no machine to even talk to, there's nothing, you all already know everything, I've written it all down already, it's about time I give up...but, I'm going down fighting, I don't care if it's ten, two, or even just one, I'm gonna kill those corruptors, and go out with a bang. I'm sorry I couldn't do better, I'm sorry I couldn't repay for my mistakes before I die, I'm sorry, for everything.

"I'm sorry Lee, I want to believe you, I want to trust you, but I need to know what you know!" Sam talked to herself and decided, the minute they get Lee back, if he doesn't tell them everything, Sam would ask Raymond permission to interrogate him, although, she'd need to make an argument, and grab as much evidence to argue with as possible.

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