Vol 2 Ch 16(Sam): A Short-lived Party

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When I woke up I was looking at the ceiling, a fan buzzed to my left, it felt awkward knowing that back on earth is was in the middle of winter, and here on Eaxura, it was blazing hot. I sat up from my bed and yawned, it's been awhile since anyone has gotten some good sleep, so it was nice to rest for awhile.

I got up from my bed and took a look out the window, children were walking around with bags...I never recalled there being a school in Eaxura, either that or it slipped my mind. I sat near the window at a desk I put there and thought about yesterday for a while and all the stuff that was talked about. Of course, I was there for most of what was talked about, and yet, i felt like some things were lied about, but i guess I just had to be trusting. I looked over to my left and looked at my Bass just sitting there, I may have not been here long, but i have yet to hear anything about festivals, i guess Eaxura really isn't into music...

After I finished thinking, I did the essentials for a good morning, and yet, before I could eat anything, someone was already knocking on the door, great. I exited the kitchen and went to the door, I took a deep breath, and let it out, opening the door afterwards. At the door was...surprisingly Nicholai.

"Heya Nicholai! What brings you over here?" I spoke with a smile on my face.

"Nothing really, just walking around and realized you were nearby" Her voice was as usual, mostly deadpan.

"But, that's not much of a reason to knock is it?" Taking a better look, her outift wasn't what it normally would be, It was more sofis...so....sophisticated, there, that was the word. "What's with the look?"

"Well, since I'm already here, Raymond is already sending a few of us on our next mission, it's some party in a far corner of Eaxura, supposedly there's double agents, though I don't know why he's sending us instead of going himself" She moved her arms around a lot while she talked, making different gestures. "Though, since we're all a team, you could tag along, you can eat a better breakfast than what you were gonna have here"

"hehe, I guess so, though, if i don't get a good meal you'll owe me one."

"Yeah, i already owe you more than one though that's for sure" She scratched her head "Anyways, I'll be going in a bit, so I'm not gonna be waiting." She began walking, probably to where that place she was on about, well, at least it inspired me on what outift I should wear today. It wouldn't be much but a nice dress goes some ways. While heading back upstairs I noticed the gang in a TTS call, so I decided to join in.

"Okay so who knows how to actually drive"-Nicholai

"Hehe, as a mercenary you have to know everything"-Kyle

"Sure...I still recall everything i learned during the apocalypse, so i think it's better for me to drive"-Lee

"What about Sam?"-Nicholai

"Umm...I've never really driven a car before" -Sam

"Well, there you go, I'm driving."-Lee

"...alright, just don't drive into anything"-Kyle

"I'll do my best!"-Lee

"Alright, we'll all meet near the partner-link thing, you know, where Lee and Sam got their link."-Nicholai

"Already on the way"-Kyle

"See you guys soon!"-Sam


After the TTS disconnected, and i finished getting dressed, I went to the meeting area where Lee was waiting in a fancy looking car while Kyle leaned on one of the doors. The two seemed to be chatting.

"You're staining the glass!" Lee seemed to be scolding him...thinking on it now, i started to question where this stuff came from...even the outfits everyone had on...kinda creepy...then again the outfits i had were stuff i had worn before...and the house is based on what i wanted...when did Kyle and Lee ever wear a suit though? It's kinda unsettling, though they did look good in them. Lee was wearing a white colored suit to compliment his hair, while Kyle was wearing the opposite...to also match is hair.

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