Bravo Team so far

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A lot of characters were introduced in these past chapters, and so, I'd like to give a recap on who they are, and what they're like, so, let us do this and try not to ever forget them

Lee Anc (DPS)

Role: Leader of Bravo team

Bio: An "outgoing" kid with a weird hair color. He spends a lot of his time writing and humming old tunes he knows. He gets along with everyone on his team, the only exception of this is Crystal in the future timeline, but it seems as though they're beginning to get along as well, so it shouldn't be an issue for much longer. Lee also tends to wear a coat and comfy sweater with many pockets, not too much though, just a moderate amount of pockets. His relations with others is mostly positive, although they only started becoming good after meeting Sam as it allowed him to break out of his social anxiety

Sam Cal (DPS)

Role: Co-leader of Bravo team

Bio: A girl some may find annoying, but those who befriend her all agree that whenever she's around, she never, ever, let's the place get boring, the only time where that isn't the case is when the situation is serious, otherwise she tends to goof around. She wears a pink ponytail with the lighter version of the DT Uniform, and she still wears it even in the future. Like mentioned before, many people call her annoying and touchy, but everyone in the team likes her company, and is one of the few people that Crystal truly trusts.

Kenneth Brok (Tech)

Role: Technician of Bravo team

Bio: A smart guy, who can be sassy on rare, very rare occasions whenever he's bored. He's the twin brother of Nicholai, and while it may not seem like it sometimes, the two twins do get along, and are willing to die for one another, which is why Kenneth died before Nicholai. Kenneth has blond hair, whenever he's making stuff or intends to soon, he wears goggles on the top of his head, overall though he was the normal version of the uniform, not the dark one, or the bright one.

Nicholai Brok (Support)

Role: Medic of Bravo Team

Bio: Having one of her parents being a doctor, and seeing other children get hurt, she wanted to help them whenever she could and so, from the second she could she learned everything she could about medicine, and eventually became a small wounds doctor for Bravo team when they were human. Like her twin brother Kenneth, she had long blond hair, she also tends to wear the normal uniform as well. If it wasn't obvious, she doesn't get along with everyone due to her realist attitude. While it may sound contradictory, she does actually get along with a lot of people, others say her attitude is needed so people don't become cocky or gain self hope, while others consider it rude and want her to stop, whatever you think is up to you though

Kyle Towa (Tank)

Role: Fighter of Bravo Team

Bio: Due to his..."Unfortunate" upbringing, he became a mercenary during the apocalypse and thus became strong from experience and training, and although he may look strong, he still has his weaknesses though they're hard to know unless you've fought with him before. He has dark hair and because of that, he wears the darker version of the DT Uniform. His relationship with others is 50/50, he either becomes good friends with them or hates them, there is no in-between unless under certain circumstances

Kayla Towa (Support)

Role: I guess she's the Street brawler of Bravo Team?

Bio: She didn't have a terrible upbringing like her brother, nor does she have a certain role in the team, but she's still good to have around in a fight as she learned a more street brawl way of fighting, so I guess that could be her role. She has dark hair, and as you guessed it, she has a dark uniform because of that. Her relationships with others is decently good, she tends to get on their good side pretty easily, thus allowing her to have a ton of friends

Matt Cam (Tank)

Role: Supporter of Bravo Team

Bio: At first he was thought to be Lee's cousin but after seeing the last names, that might not be the case. Matt can have a sharp tongue but overall is there when he's really needed to protect innocent people. His hair color allows him to have the normal version of the uniform. His relations with others is debatable, sometimes they're really good, or really, really, really! bad...mostly both.

Crystal Anc (???)

Role: Future Leader of Bravo Team

Bio: While no one knows how, she's related to Lee. Her upbringing is mostly unknown, the only time anyone has seen her is during the apocalypse and even then, that was only for a short time. She has pink-whiteish hair just like Lee, giving her the brighter version of the uniform, but she didn't like it, so she modified it a bit to her liking. Her relations are mostly bad, anyone she doesn't know is immediately considered an outsider, and the only people she gets along with are Sam and Kenneth, although Lee is becoming a new one she trusts.

And that's all for the main characters in Bravo Team, hopefully, that helps as a reminder, of course there will be more of these deeper in the story but for now, these short and sweet versions should be just fine. Of course as always, if you have any questions, or maybe anything I could fix, please do let me know as I want to make the Dimensional Traveler Journals as great as I possibly can, but of course I can't do that alone, so, I wish you all well, and take care, oh and by the time I'm writing this, it's a few weeks away from Christmas, so have a good one of those and whatever holiday you may also celebrate, maybe I'll do a Christmas special...yeah, I'll do one, welp, see ya'll in the next chapter then, until then, have a good one ya'll

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