Vol 2 Ch 7(Lee): Link-Set (Part 1/2)

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"Mornin Lieutenant" Nicholai, just like last time was drinking something, but she called me Lieutenant this time.

 "G-good morning..." Me and Sam stood at the doorway, I talked in a quiet voice.

"Something wrong? You two have been off this morning" Raymond walked past us and into the room, looking back at us. It seemed that in silence, both Sam and I agreed to hide what we just we-...when the hell did she learn about my time travel, I just noticed that...I'll talk to her about it later. Regardless we decided to hide what we had just gone through.

"Yeah...we're alright, just a bad morning" Sam tried covering the both of us.

"Right, the day before a partner-link is where most DTs get more anxious" Oh fuck off, really!? Really Raymond!? I could tell Sam was also startled by what Raymond said.

"Ah, yeah, about that, what was it again?" She was getting a bit suspicious with what she was saying. The others seemed to just go back to what they were doing before, ignoring our conversation.

"Oh it's fine, we really tell you about it right before you do it so you can still turn back, also, you two still need to decide what your link is. Is it gonna be a token? a coin? Something painted on your face? Some tie? It can really be anything you want, I recommend it's somethin-

"Flower! Rose to be exact" Sam just spouted that out.

"You have to take care of it you now" Raymond, with a smile, leaned on the wall.

"It's fine, Sam knows about gardening, and I know the basics" I waved off Raymond's worry.

"So, where do you two want it?" It seemed like Raymond talking about the partner-link put Sam into a good mood, she was back in her bubbly version of herself.

"Here, and here" Sam pointed to the right side of her head, while pointing to the left side of mine.

"Well, Lee has to want it there as well"

"It's fine, let her have her fun, I couldn't think of anywhere else anyways, I need more accessories in my hair a-" When I brushed my hair with my hand I noticed that both my headband and hat were gone, for how long it's been like that? Who knows "Hey Raymond, where'd my headgear go?"

"What'dya mean? You still have it, I mean, you did just wake up...or do you wear your stuff to bed?" I made myself look like an idiot "I mean, you do wear your DT stuff to bed soooo, I wouldn't doubt it"

"No I don't...give me a minute" I turned away and went back to my room, hearing Raymond and Sam talk about the partner-link as I did. I looked around and saw a wardrobe, when I went and opened it, it had almost all the clothing I wore as a human, and some new ones that I feel I've seen before. I looked inside it more and noticed a small little slot on the right that had my headband. I picked it up and clipped it into my hair, I closed the wardrobe and saw my hat on a hanger that was on my door, I put it on, making sure my headband was still visible. "So, what'd I miss?" I came over to them, seemingly just as the conversation finished.

"Just giving a summary of what the Partner-link does" Raymond sat near the others, a part of me was still pissed at him, leading us to a fake New Min, then a killer of an informant.

"Mind saying it again then?" Sam still stood in the doorway, I stood beside her leaning on the doorway with my arms crossed.

"To really summarize it, it allows you to share powers, use a better form of PTS that allows it to be used even if magic is disabled, and some co-op abilities that require both people to use it together. There are more but it tends to be unique to each duo...well 'unique' You can have multiple partner-links, but your first one will always be the strongest unless certain things happen like they die or... whatever..." I've started to realize how terrible Raymond was when it came to saying things, the apology during graduation, and now this...I wonder, what things have changed. I pulled up my menu and looked at it.

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