Vol 2 Ch 7(Sam)(B): Link-Set (Part 2/2)

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I expected the final trial to be some major boss battle, maybe some difficult puzzle compared to the easy ones before. But...it was just two chairs.

"The hell is this?" Well technically, I noticed there were two.

"It's...just chairs..."I was confused. Lee and I walked over to it and circled the chairs, seeing if anything seemed off.

"Maybe this is some Saw puzzle" Lee looked excited...masochist much?

"Why would we be punished though? Isn't the whole point of the movies is that the stupid puppet goes after criminals? Surviving in a zombie apocalypse doesn't really seem like a punishable offense to me"

"Wooaah, relax detective, when'd you get a sense of law?"

"Always did, just never had a reason to act mature"

"Huh?" Lee looked at me confused

"Focus on the room." We continued looking around, that was until the wall opened up, and Raymond and one other robed person walked out.

"It's not some puzzle, relax and sit down." I was getting some major Dejá Vu, didn't I get jabbed in the head last time I sat down with some robed guy? "You're not gonna die, sit" Raymond's voice started to get more passive-aggressive.

"Alright! Come on Sam, we kinda knew we would've been in pain didn't we?" Lee sat down reluctantly...I guess he was right I was the one who dragged him to do it...and I knew it would be painful...so...I sat down and took a deep breath.

"Now, the main question, chained down or free?" Huh?

"Is it really that painful that we need to be chained down?" I could feel myself getting anxious. I already now what that pain is like even if it wasn't a Partner li-...or was it? Raymond said it helps share powers...maybe me and Lee already have it if I was able to time travel.

"Well, it's more of an urge to kill us that we're trying to prevent...and also incredible pain but you already knew that." I did...I sat down and waited "So?"

"I'll be fine unchained. I doubt the ruler of Eaxura is weaker than me" I might as well taunt Raymond if I'm gonna be in incredible pain.

"Riiight, Lee?"

"I'll be fine"

"Alright then, don't try and kill me since you asked for this." He motioned for the robed guy to do whatever. Said robed guy walked over to us...err, now that I got a closer look I noticed their face.

"Alice?" I haven't seen her in ages...and yet it felt calming to know she was here...I had a sister named Alice...maybe...just maybe.

"Press Yes on your hud when you're ready" Alice made sure I saw the button, but I read the wall of text before I did

A Partner link is permanent, the only way to remove it is by certain magical spells
or, if either partner is killed. Partner-Link allows both users to share abilities, and use a modified version of PTS (Partner version is called Partner Telekinetic Speech instead of Personal) That allows you to use it even when magic is disabled. Once a Partner-Link is made you will not be able to leave a certain team menu made specifically for the duo, meaning that even if you disable your team on one hud, your partner will still appear.

Great for what Lee pulled before

Co-op abilities that are obtainable through Partner-links are unique to the duo, and are not able to be activated unless near the other person, or if both members use it.
Other things are possible through Partner-Link, but tends to happen due to an agreement made by the duo, meaning, things may happen that negatively affect both sides, so it is recommended you partner with someone close to you so those negative effects are more rare. There is also an ability to share memories, though it can have some strain on the mind.

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