Chapter 9(Lee): Uncertain Circumstances

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"Matt, Kyle! You're with me, let's hunt them down!" The three of us ran off as the others took care of Sam. the pain she went through, the thing they used on her head, it was almost like when I was in the future, it really was strange, time travel, New Min, everything about it was strange

"Lee!" I heard Matt shout my name, I looked to my right where I heard his voice and saw one of the guards from before running around a corner

"Kyle! Go circle around, Matt, try to get to the roof, we'll trap them from all angles!" They both did as instructed, Kyle turned around and went to circle the building. Matt began to climb the emergency escape, climbing the stairs and ladders, as he climbed I heard shouting, probably from people inside the building.

I turned the corner and saw two guards running, if they're running then they must not have powers like we did. 

"Hey!" I was getting close to them, and as they were getting ready to turn the corner Kyle appeared

"Now, where are you two going?" Kyle had a grin on his face "Hurting an innocent bystander isn't exactly the best thing to do, now is it?" The two guards began to worry, they looked up and saw the emergency escape, they both climbed up it, getting out of our view, Kyle and I just waited and soon we saw one of the guards get kicked off the emergency exit, and the other slowly came back down with Matt behind him. Kyle grabbed the other guard, raising him up.

"What a bunch of hypocrites" I walked towards the two of them "You had no evidence I did anything and yet you still tried something, who's the one causing chaos?" The guards said nothing in return "What's the matter? You guys talked so much!" I thought they had no magic at first, but then I saw it, a small flicker in one of the guard's hands "Kyle! Matt! get back!" The two jumped back, reading themselves, each of us summoned our weapons, but the magic that the guard was using was teleportation, and they were both gone in an instant "Damn it!" 

I looked around, hoping they couldn't teleport that far, yet the only thing I was met with, was an alarm, I guess at this point we're fugitives.

"This doesn't sound like a normal alarm" Kyle was right, normally alarms would be loud and blaring, yet this alarm had a rhythm, like how when you use morse code, then it hit me, it wasn't just an alarm, it was giving a message, smart, I'll give them that.

"Let's get going, even I know when I'm outgunned" Matt led the way, we were hoping we could reach the others before they got into danger, but then my brain began to hurt.

"Lee? Are you okay?" Matt noticed my pain, I had to kneel, it was unbearable, right, it just hit me, the future or whatever me, said he'd contact me every night and guess what time it was, I did my best to focus, but with a snap with my ring finger and thumb, I was able to enter the realm I was in, but that was only in one eye, a part of me was also running back towards the others, it was really disorienting. 

"Kyle, can you help me real quick?" I called for Kyle, hopefully just being next to him will give me some of his strength 


"How's it going so far" I was once again conversing with myself "I'm assuming it's going fine so far, considering you're talking to me, and hunting down the people who did that to Sam"

"I practiced in the car" Tapping the wheel seemed to help when it came to snapping, it allowed me to stretch my fingers

"Right, that makes sense, although, I'm curious on how you knew that's what did it, well, the talking way I mean"

"It's draining, so I asked Kyle to support me"

"They don't know right?" He looked at me, something about him seemed off, more than usually

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