Chapter 6: New Meetings (Lee and Sam) and Our Assignment (Kenneth)

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They both ran and ran until they ran out of energy, it got to the point where both Lee and Sam were nearly falling over. Lee placed his hand on a tree, nearly heaving and feeling like he's gonna throw up.

"We far away" Lee threw himself off the tree and began limping the way he was going before

" was....close to the wouldn't be a hideout....would it?" She had her hand on her stomach, trying to catch her breath. "Kyle and Kayla...why did they go back into the building?" Both had begun to walk instead of sprinting, allowing them to regain their stamina.

"Where do you think Kenneth and Nicholai are?" He examined his guitar, trying to see if it still works

"They couldn't have gone maybe they went to the basement? Or the roof? Anywhere safe" In the distance, they saw it, the hideout they made when they were younger. It was in the middle of the city, but it wasn't obvious looking, so people wouldn't know it was a bunker.

"We're here Sam.....God my legs burn" Most people would consider Lee and Sam psychotic considering they're so calm, they have their reasons but that was a story for another time. They both stood up straight and walked in front of the bunker, looking around the city was in chaos, how could such a peaceful and kind city go to hell so fast?

"Who knew that having four different families that can build would be so handy?" Lee looked at Sam confused

"Most...people would consider it handy though....fixing TVs or electronics, helping with renovations and whatnot" They both were silent for a minute before the bunker began to activate

"Lee #*@(#*$@*! and Sam Callstionos welcome back" Lee's last matter how much everyone tried, they couldn't remember what it was.

"Kenneth, once again with his weird improvements" They both entered and began to look around "We have food and water, if it stays the two of us, we have about 2 months, if the others join, it'll be about 15 days, and that's only if we all eat three meals a day." Lee put his guitar on a rack

"To think this place has a use now, we used to just practice here, it was fun doing that, just doing random arrangments" Sam sat on the couch near a fireplace, she took out a match sitting on the shelf above the fireplace, she was ready to strike it but Lee took it from her hands "Hey!"

"Don't Hey me, did you forget what happened the last time you used fire? You burned the entire room" Sam was going to argue against Lee, but then realized he was right. Lee looked at her, feeling guilty "" He handed her the matches "Burn the place somehow and you're never touching anything relating to fire ever again okay?" 

"Yep!" She grabbed the matches and strikes one against the box, she held it next to the fireplace but she soon noticed that the wood was extremely old "Burning old wood won't change its burning will it?" Lee thought for a minute, then just shrugged "Talks to me about fire then doesn't know"

"This is different, I didn't burn an entire room" I'm sure that all of her friends deep in their heads wondered how she hasn't been arrested for arson yet, considering how much she burns things.

"That' okay point, even if I don't agree...." She lit up the fireplace, everything looked and felt fine, so she sat back down "So? What do we do now?" Lee sat on a chair to the front left of Sam

"We should go look for others, they may have stayed over at the school, and we've got enough food to last for a good while if we bring it to them" He started to look around the hideout "Tsk, nothing can be used as a weapon that's not bolted down" A bang hit the door, causing Lee and Sam to jolt up and ready themselves

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