Vol 2 Ch3(Crystal): Expedition (Part 2/3)

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I landed on the lower floors, my thigh burned, damn it, the cut must've reopened or maybe even got worse 

"Damn it!" I struggled to stand, ignoring the pain "I'm gonna regret this tomorrow" I took a look around, the place seemed odd, but I recalled Lee telling me about companies that were just for hunting abnormalities, I remember them also having some stupid name, but that wasn't important. My brain started hurting, a transmission was coming in 

P%S Ac&ive It was buggy and painful

Matt- "Crys*al, they're sea#ching for you, they alre^dy got me, but I s&ould be fine"

Crystal- "Alright then, &'ll come help soon, Crystal out"

PT* Deac&ive

"Come on man, you know how dangerous these lower levels are" From the room that was in front of me, I heard a voice

"Wah wah, cry a river bud" I looked around more, thanks to the darkness I may be able to hide, I ran over to the door that they were about to come through and hid behind it. They soon opened the door with flashlights on, and began to look around

"See, I told you she wasn't in here" It was two guys, they looked young, I could take them if it was needed.

"What kind of training did you go through? We barely looked around!" The other guy seemed agitated, I looked at my stats

Crystal Anc (DPS-Manipulator) LVL 45

HP 400/600
MP 50/100

It seemed like I'd only be able to do one. I walked behind them, I got behind the taller one and began choking him, the more panicked kid looked behind him and saw me, I raised my hand

"Tell your superior that you found no one" I then closed my fist as a barely noticeable mist went around the panicked kid

"T-The hell...did you do!?" The guy was trying to escape yet couldn't even speak well with me choking him

"Stop struggling before I snap your neck!" While I was trying to knock out the guy, the other one I "Hypnotized" went off to the stairs.

"Like hell I will you bit-" Before he could finish I hit the back of his neck as hard as possible, it looked like all his breath left him so I went back to choking him, with better results, he passed out almost instantly.

"Well, certainly a welcoming crowd" I dusted myself off "Calling someone like me that, you must have a death wish" I kneeled down at the guy I knocked out, he had a few tools on him I could use "Why would you bring a crowbar to a search mission? Think I'm gonna barricade a door that fast?" I took the crowbar and tossed it up slightly, getting a feel for it "Sorry Lee, but I'm gonna be using a crowbar tonight" I left the room and looked at the stairs, I saw a shadow, from the shadow it wasn't the guy, no kidding though, I used my power on him, he shouldn't be coming back anyway. I walked up the stairs slowly, someone turned the corner right as I was on the last step before turning for the other steps. We stared at each other in silence, whether it was out of shock or not knowing what to do. The glass to my left shattered and hit the woman, I looked to the broken glass and saw a small figure far away, I had an idea who it was

PT* Ac)I^ve


Ke&neth-" Wh&t? She's a(live, go check, Kenneth out"

Crystal- "Right..."

PTS Deac^tive

I knelt down and checked her pulse, she was fine, I looked around and saw something pressed against her neck, some orange stain...huh, it was weird that this knocked her out...I think. As I went up the rest of the stairs I saw Matt and some woman walking, Matt was fine, he wasn't tied or anything

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