Side Chapter 1: Sight-Seeing

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After a few chapters or a point of peace, these side chapters will be written, they may say some things of relevancy but they are not mandatory to read if you don't want to. Another thing to keep note of, side chapters are rarely in anyone's point of view, these also tend to be more comedic than serious

It was a bright day, the seven friends didn't realize the fact that the graduation would be tomorrow, and they had another marker for temporary dorms

"Well, this is a bit awkward" Lee sat on the bed as Kenneth, Kyle, and Matt sat on theirs, "I thought it was today"

"To be fair, it would be weird if they called out the name of someone who died" Kenneth was modifying his drone trying to implement a form of voice into it

"It would be boring to just sit and wait here right?" Matt was looking at his weapon, trying to figure out what the holes were for, or how to activate it. Kyle on the other hand just leaned against the wall looking out the window

"Well the girls found something to do"Kyle called out

"Hmm" Lee stood up and joined Kyle in looking at the window "Oh, imma join them, they're taking pictures!" Lee got up and left the room

"How'd he kno..Oh she has her camera, yeah, that'd explain it then, well come on lads, we don't wanna sit all day do we?" Kenneth set his tools aside

"it's bee nice to just walk around as well, maybe talk to each other" Kenneth's arms were starting to hurt after spending the entire time fixing Dave.

"Alright, I don't see why not" Matt desummoned his weapon and walked out the door too

"Alright Kyle, let's get going, don't wanna miss this" Kyle Scoffed at Kenneth

"I wouldn't mind missing it...but, I won't" Kyle got off the wall and went to the door "You coming?" Kenneth got up from his chair sighing

"Yeah, yeah I'm going" He pressed a button on Dave, pressing the button caused a blue-ish glow to turn on In the center of Dave

"Taking the drone?" Kyle questioned at the door

"Why not, if Sam really does wanna take pictures, we can get a higher angle with this" Kenneth walked beside Kyle "Come on now, if we don't hurry we'll lose them" Dave followed behind Kenneth as they all walked out the door (Except Dave, he has no legs)

"Took you long enough, Lee told us to wait for you but damn, you guys are slow" Nicholai taunted them, having not moved since Kyle first noticed them

"Hey! Nicholai, this is my trip, so I'm the leader here, so stop being rude" Thanks to Sam's words Nicholai seemed to relax

"Alright, since the slowpokes are here we can get started?" And so they did, most of the pictures they took just involved someone staring or standing next to whatever Sam wanted to take a picture of, but then

"I wanna take a picture of it" Sam, looking over at a mountain called out

"Alright, lets do it" Lee stood beside the mountain waiting

"N-No..I wanna go on top of it" After Sam said that everyone became quiet, the air was cold enough as is but it seemed as though it just got colder.

"Why not?" Lee, being cocky agreed

"You're not actually doing it right?" Kenneth asked Lee, Kenneth seemed worried about Lee "Like, I know you held your head earlier but, are you like, mentally okay?"

"Of course he isn't, no one would do that in this col-"

"I'm not joking" Lee said in a stern and serious manner "You all don't respect the nature of photography, not to mention, now that we're gonna become DTs we need to build our cardio, so we should do this if we want the be-

45 minutes later

"My legs are burniinnnniggg" Sam cried out "Leeeeee why couldn't you just goooo"

"Huh! Weren't you the one who wanted the pic? I even tried motivating you guys 42 minutes ago!" Lee then began to realize that everyone is practically dying

"Yeah....Lee....You do it alone" Nicholai complained, she was barely even walking

"Like hell I am, Kyle and Kayla are fine, so what's the problem?" Lee started to get mad at the others, Lee, Kayla, and Kyle were all perfectly fine, and the others might have well been husks

"Maybe because they were both mercenaries during the apocalypse!" Matt said, trying to find a way out of this

"No excuses! This isn't just for a picture this is for training, for our future!" Nicholai began her sarcastic quips after Lee said that

"Well! My future is gonna be in the grave soon!"

"Shhuuut uppppp we're almost there" Kyle was basically at the top already while the others were a few steps away. After they all reached the top they fell on the floor, the only people standing were Sam (Just barely though) Lee, Kyle, and Kayla. Sam shoved the camera in Lee's arms

"You...take...the picture" She sat down at a nearby bench, breathing heavily " beautiful though" She looked at the horizon "It was...worth it" Lee gave off a smile

"Good, I'll take the picture now" Lee waited for the others to get up and lean against the railing "There we go" Although everyone was exhausted they all agreed the view they had was amazing. By the time they climbed it, it was the evening, the lights and buildings proved that climbing this was worth all the suffering they went through "So? Everyone glad they went?"

"Yeah....but make us do this after fighting again...and I'll kick yo-

"It was lovely" Kenneth cut off Nicholai before she swore at Lee "Just, we're tired"

"That's far, alright, back down now" Everyone sighed 

"Heh heh, at least it's better than going up" Sam being her optimistic self

"Yeah, far enough..." Everyone got up and began the walk down

"Let's go!" Everyone cheered trying to give themselves the energy to make the march down.

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