Vol 2 Ch2(Crystal): Complications

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"I...I" Nicholai didn't say anything, instead, she ran away.

"Hey!" I went over to run after her, but I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Don't" I heard Lee's voice, I turned, did he even know?

"Lee, Ni-

"I know...I know" I was surprised, Lee knew and he let it happen? Why!?


"No, It had to be this way, it took me awhile, but...I understand, I'm sorry" Sorry? 

"What are you apologizing for? Nicholai was the one wh-

"I did Crystal, I shot Sam" H-huh? How could he do that? Shoot his best friend? I-I don't understand. "Hate me all you want, but don't blame Nicholai for it, if it wasn't for her decision, we'd all be dead" Is this meant to reassure me?

"What's with you!? Sam was your friend wasn't she!?"

"Yes, b-

"But you revive Kenneth and not her!? Why is that the case then!?" I didn't understand, what's with him? How could he go back on his word?

"If I failed, which was almost guaranteed, it'd cause her so much suffering, I couldn't do that to her" I looked to the floor

"So...there was no choice?" Sam's death was inevitable...damn it...why did the only person I could talk to about everything die?

"There..." Lee went from looking at me, to the floor "There was no choice" I think I understood now, not everything, but a decent amount, a part of me couldn't accept it, I didn't want to believe it. Lee took his hand off my shoulder "If you do want to talk with Nicholai, please, don't blame her, she's been through a lot today" I nodded, I went to catch up to Nicholai, I wanted to apologize, I said it in the heat of the moment, but a part of me knew I believed what I said, and so, I wanted to say that I was sorry. 

Soon, I made it to our personal quarters, these quarters were just for us, Bravo team, I heard music to my left, and when I turned I saw a sleeping Nicholai who had tears drying on her face, and Kenneth, who had a candle on the middle of the table, reading a book

"Kenneth..." I didn't expect Kenneth to be here, I thought he was doing something else

"It's alright, I think Nicholai knows you didn't mean it" He knew what I wanted to say...did I get mad at people that much? So much that they can tell when I'm apologizing?

"Yeah..." I sat on the chair beside him "What're you reading?" Kenneth closed the book, using his thumb to keep his place

"I don't really think it's for kids your age" He said it with such a cocky smile, I knew he was joking but it still pissed me off

"You forget how old I am? I'm not twelve anymore!" I said in a joking manner, and not an angry one, I had begun to shut out what happened earlier.

"Well, ask Lee" Huh?

"He suggested it to me, he liked it, although he said it should be given to younger kids...and no, he wasn't calling me young" Curiosity got the better of me and I looked at the cover and author, by my surprise, it was my book

"Lee held on to it?" Without me noticing I smiled

"Yeah, I mean, it was the first thing you gave to him, and it was a good read anyways" I couldn't tell if it was a lie or not, I wrote it when I was 1-...' not kids your age' huh? Damn, how did I not realize that sooner, he was telling me from the start! "What's the matter, you seem like you realized something" His smug face was obvious

"Prick!" I joked about and Kenneth went with it

"How rude, my feelings, they're hurt..." I may have been a teen, but it felt like I was a little kid again, and Kenneth was acting like that cool, kind, and comforting Uncle "You know, you and Lee share a lot in common, maybe you two could come to an understanding" And now that feeling was gone "Why do you even hate him?" This again, these twins love asking me this question.

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