Vol 2 Ch 6(Lee)(B): And We Start Again

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The B in the chapter name represents the choices currently made in this route

I pulled Sam up, her bandages were beyond ruined, it was bloodied and slightly ripped. The stairs were just a few rooms away, it should be fine.

"You gonna be alright?" I looked behind me as we walked, she seemed sluggish, all the blood loss must've been terrible.

"I think so" She was holding her arm, I could see the blood stain her hand, the blood seemed...kinda aggressive, as in it was really bleeding out, but Sam seemed to be fine, she wasn't really pale unless it wasn't noticeable, so at least that's alright...but maybe she was running a fever and that could be affecting her ability to walk.

"Agh!" As I was walking backward I banged into something, when I turned around to look at it, it seemed to be some server system and some chargers.

"Think we can get Dave here?" Dave was, an AI, one that was basically a therapy dron-...have I said this before...are my memories getting worse? I know it was bad already but...but one thing I know I didn't say was it could go into other tech, like cameras and computers, and tell us things.

"Maybe...we'll get access to the cameras so it'd be easier to traverse, but how do we know that they still work, and it would take awhile as well" I mentioned all the negatives that I knew to Sam. I looked at her when I mentioned it would take awhile, the pain Sam's already in seemed terrible, and I didn't want to see her suffer any longer than she needed.

"I guess that's a no" Sam readjusted herself, moving her injured arm so she could hold it better. "It's fine" She caught me looked at it "I can still move"

"Yeah, I know" I went to the next door I saw, it was in the corner of the room, maybe we already made it to the stairs. I took out my knife and went to the door, I put my hand on the doorknob, looking back to see if Sam was ready, with her nod I opened the door. The first thing I noticed was stairs, but everything below it was destroyed, complete rubble...and blood, dead people, not zombies...it was a small one but a gap was between the door I was at, and the stairs. When I looked back at Sam I could see her worry. "Think you can make it?"


"I'll go first, then I can catch you on the other side." Sam didn't respond back, only looked around the room. Sam stepped back into the other room we were in before and moved aside. I took a few steps back then started sprinting at the gap, right at the edge I jumped and landed on the stairs with a small effort. I made it fine, it wasn't even that close to hard, Sam should be able to pull it off. "Your turn, I'll catch you if you fall." Sam walked up to the door, I could tell she wanted to look down. "Don't Sam, you'll only scare yourself, you're not gonna fall."

"Ye-yeah...I know." Sam took a few steps back, she took a deep breath while I got near the edge of the stairs, putting my hand out for her to catch. She began sprinting just like I did, but, unlike myself, she didn't jump near the ledge, causing her to get less distance. Before she could fall anymore I caught her, the gap, like I said before, wasn't that far, just a few seconds of airtime was needed. She had one of her feet on the steps, so pulling her onto it completely wasn't difficult.

"See, wasn't that hard, right?" I brought her onto the stairs and made sure she was stable, we began walking up to it, they seemed to lead to every floor...and because of that, we could see the absolute shambles each one was in. It seemed that many people died in this building...why don't I remember entering this building, I mean, sure we time traveled, and we're in some form of trial, but I should still remember this, shouldn't I?...even then, a trial? What is even the trial? Get out of the building? Do I have to do this every time I time travel back? I don't even think I went that far...maybe I messed it up, but...all I have to do is think of what time I wanna go back to...

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