Vol 2 Ch 4(Crystal): End of a Timeline

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I kicked the door to the first room, it barely opened but enough to get inside, it seemed like someone barricaded it with a dresser, but the dresser was already mostly destroyed, no wonder it had little effect. This ring material or Teanial as Kenneth called it, was important, we could bring back Sam, even rewind to when things were still fixable, but would it really be in some random apartment room? I thought of something before I searched the room, those journals that Raymond gave to Sam...I took a read before, Lee from the future, supposedly made these rings by taking from New Min, there were ten rings though...I looked out the window of the room.

"Lee's house...Lee's house..." Soon in the corner of my eye, I saw it, his house wasn't far, but the Zeeks would already be here before I make it back. I looked down at my sword, I opened the window and looked at the house. "How'd it go again, just grab it like this?" I one-handed the sword, the way I was holding it felt weird and uncomfortable, I raised it then threw it in the direction of the house. "This better work" I threw my right hand to the left of me, closing it into a fist, for a millisecond it felt like I blacked out but as my vision came back, I was midair in the area where I threw my sword. Before I could even react, I landed on my left arm, after bracing for impact, it felt warm but didn't hurt. I used my right arm to help myself stand, when I turned around I saw I was decently far from the dorms, I looked down at my left arm, blood was trickling out, I was only able to see it since that part of my uniform ripped, most likely I landed on something. I knelt down and picked up the torn piece from my outfit and wrapped it around my arm as a bandage, it wouldn't last long but it was something.

I looked back in the direction of the house, I was a lot closer to it than I thought I would be, not only that, the lights were on, Could it be Lee? The guy is stubborn so it would make sense, but how would he make it here, especially since he was alone, and his arm and leg...jeez he's one stupid guy...if it was him, that was the major part, if he was the one that was inside, I know someone is inside since any power would've been dead at this point...I resummoned my sword and reversed it so the blade was behind me. I crept towards the house, grabbing onto the door handle. I turned the handle and opened the door, the place seemed fine, most things weren't broken, and from what I remember, nothing was moved...but some things were open when I knew they were closed before the apocalypse.

"L.." I was going to shout for Lee, but how would I know it was him? Regardless there was no one down here, maybe they were upstairs, or already left. I walked around the dusty and worn building I made it to the stairs, ready to be attacked from anywhere I stepped on the first step, there was no creaking, no noise, the silence was getting to me, unlike the dorms there wasn't an alarm or footsteps from the others...wait, damn it! I forgot about them, but, I'm already here, I might as well finish searching the place. I soon made it up the stairs without making any noise or at least none that I could notice easily. As I scanned the place I saw an open door, I slowly walked towards it and stood at the side of the doorway, and readied my sword, if it was Lee then it would be fine, after all, I'm just hitting the guy with the hilt of my sword. I waited until I heard footsteps moving along the room, soon they were at the door. Taking the opportunity I swung the hilt of my sword at whoever it was, I heard the hilt colliding with something and someone's groan, I turned the corner and looked at the guy.

"MmH!" The guy held his face in pain, soon he looked up at me with anger, but it soon changed to confusion "C-Crystal!?" It wasn't Lee or anybody I didn't know

"Neal? You're still alive!?" I wasn't mocking him, more so out of genuine curiosity, was I going insane? "Yo-You were gone fo-" I hadn't even realized it yet, but he was motioning his hand back and forth near his neck, motioning me to be quiet, he pointed at the window. I stayed on my guard but still looked out the window, I started to notice that the light the alarm gave off, and the alarm itself had stopped

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