37 x Dr. Seymour's Interlude

Start from the beginning

"I thought you abandoned me, I missed you!"

"I'm sorry," she playfully pouted. "I still hope the dinner offer is on the table?"

"Yeah. I'll be there soon."

By the time he arrived, Audi and Ricki were gone. He used his key to get in the house, making sure to lock the door behind him.

Dropping off the food into the kitchen, he made sure to walk upstairs quietly incase she was sleep. Surprisingly Cynatra had been waiting up for him. "Hey babe!" She smiled.

"I missed you girl, don't do that to me again." He quickly stripped, climbing into bed next to her to kiss her.

"It wasn't intentional. I'm sorry." She kisses him back, wincing when pulling away.

"You okay?" He noticed the discomfort on her face. "Just cramping is all."

"It's that time?" She nodded. "You need anything?"
"Just for you to kiss me again daddy."

"Girl, you know you ain't right. Don't call me that right now." He kisses her nose, her cheek and then her lips.

"Why not?"

"Cause I was planning on dinner, a movie, eating some pussy and going to sleep." He shrugged. "Now we gotta skip a step."

All Cynatra could think about was, did it work? How long would it take her to heal? Would she want to risk having sex in the next month, or six months?

Dr. Seymour said it all depends on her body and how well she takes care of it. It was experimental and the chances were naturally high for the procedure working. She had to wait and see.

She watched as Juan cut her steak for her. He didn't want her doing anything to make her uncomfortable. His muscles flexed as the knife and fork worked together to slice through the meat. Watching him didn't help because Dr. Seymour warned her about how imbalanced her hormones would be over the next few weeks, Instead of handing Cyn the fork, he fed her.

"Mhm" She moaned as the garlicky buttered meat danced on her tongue. "You did good Roro."

"Thank you." There was some butter on her chin, he takes a napkin to wipe it off before going back to cutting more steak. "You want some mashed potatoes?"

"Yeah, which ones did you decide on?"

"Broccoli and cheddar. The plate needed balance and all that garlic was going to have you mad. I didn't have time for that."

Juan was right. Cynatra hated when people cooked and every dish had the same ingredients to cook it. The meat, the vegetables and the starch did not all need to taste the same.

"You really know me huh?"

After a few days Cynatra felt back to normal. Today she would be attending the home game against the Bucks. It would be their last home game for awhile.

She also would be doing traveling of her own, Atlanta was on her line, and needed her to come in person to handle school and Taquan business.

They weren't looking forward to the time apart.

As Juan entered his bedroom to prepare for a shower, Cynatra watched as he took off his clothes. She wanted to jump on him. For some reason he looked extra good today.

"I feel you staring at me, we not going there today." He said not looking at her.

"Babyyyyyy," he ignores her, grabbing a new towel. "You just out here swinging and expect me not to look?"

Kindred Spirits | Juan Toscano-AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now