Chapter 47

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A day like any other. With one small exception.

I was working towards getting this job. I'm the deputy project manager of the company that I joined straight after hard study. So I put on my finest dress in light blue, my Louboutin Heels and left my apartment.

The company driver drives me there and my secretary welcomes me with my everyday espresso. I'm tough, so I don't drink typical coffee with syrup and milk froth like many others. I drink whatever was effective and quick.

"Good morning, Ms. Manoban. Mr. Park is already waiting for you in the office." I nod nervously and enter my boss' office. The most important employees have already gathered and are examining me.

"Glad you made it. Sit down." I sit down in my usual place and impatiently wait for him to say something.

"As you know, there are some changes to be made within the company, but before we proceed we are still waiting for someone." I look around confused, don't know who's missing. The three managers are here, as is the financial manager, Mina. She is also a close friend of mine since university.

Mina looks at me just as confused and then types something into her computer.

The silence would kill me any moment. But before I could even say anything, the door opens and everyone turns towards it. A well built person in a dark blue woman's suit stood in the doorway holding a briefcase in hand. My gaze wanders up until I see her face.

My hands got sweaty and I see in emerald green eyes that fix me too. Not after 4 years, please...

"Ms. Kim, nice to have you here. Sit down!" My boss shouts happily and invites her in. But she doesn't take her eyes off me for a second, which immediately gives me an uncomfortable feeling.

"Good morning, everyone." This voice still makes her even more attractive. This can't be true... she's done for me.

"As I have already stated, there are some changes that need to be made. These changes include the position of CEO and therefore my position. I'm not the youngest anymore and I want to leave the company in good hands." At the same time, Mr. Park gives me a quick look, which for the moment leaves me with even less doubt about the ascent.

"For these reasons, I think it makes sense to hand this company over to Jennie Kim." As soon as those words left his mouth, it feels like the ground has been ripped out from under my feet.

"B-But..." I start to stutter and get pitying looks from everyone involved except for her, who sits proudly in her chair and doesn't even look at me. So that's how it's gonna be now, Jennie Kim?

"Lalisa, I know how much work you put into this and how important it all is to you. That's why I want to keep you in this position for now. It just turned out that way." Mr. Park tries to make it ring better, but it doesn't help. He's making it worse to be honest.

I'm holding back tears, I'm not allowed to show it.

"That was my last words in this company. I wish you all the best and have fun with your new leader." With that he gets up and leaves. Without further words, without a proper farewell.

"Now that is settled. We're going to run things a little differently here. I will talk to each and every one of you down to the smallest detail about the tasks and functions. I will gradually call you to my office and expect punctuality." With that she turns away and the talk begins.

"Sorry, Lisa. We really thought he was choosing you." Eunwoo approaches me and gently squeezes my arm. Actually, he is the hysterical one of the whole troupe, but right now he is quite composed for his standards.

"Sweetie, cheer up. Maybe the new one will see the potential and let you rise quickly." Mina takes me in her arms and strokes my back. Gradually everyone is gone and it is my signal to go back to my office.

There I first breathe in and out deeply, so that I would not beat myself up. My anger, my trust and my disappointment. Everything piles up into a huge mountain that doesn't fall.

"Lalisa Manoban, please come to my office." I heard the statement and make my way directly to her office. Jennie Kim has her office, like Mr. Park did back then, on the top floor by the roof terrace.

"Come in." I hear her raspy voice before I can even knock. Frightening. I slowly step inside and take a seat in front of her. The scent of fresh espresso on the table in front of me immediately hit my nose.

"This is for you." I raise an eyebrow and look straight into those fucking green feline eyes piercing me. I slowly bring the small cup to my mouth and feel her still looking at me.

"Thanks." I reply curtly as I finish the espresso.

"Let's get down to business. I-"

"What are you doing here?" I start directly and can tell she's surprised that I'm confronting her so directly.

"I work here, little one. Why are you like that?"

"What do you want to discuss?"

"I thought we'd get to know each other better as employees and colleagues, but if you want to start right away, then I'll start." She crosses her hands on the table and leans forward. It's getting hot, damn it.

"You know your job and your responsibilities, right? It will stay that way, just one change. Any project you lead will have my endorsement. As soon as there's a project that I don't like or that wasn't discussed with me beforehand, you're out of here." She was serious and clear about what she wanted. I like the new her, but I still hate the old her so much. Actually, I still hate her, but she amuses me. Only the fact with the firing unsettles me slightly.

"Okay." I answer and get up with the thought of finally going to my work.

"Did I say you can go, little one?" She becomes louder in her voice, yet just as calm and relaxed as before.

"It's Ms. Manoban for you, and no, you haven't, just the conversation is business-wise over, or is it not?" I turn to her a bit too dramatically, not realizing that she's standing right in front of me.

"It may be that you had a relatively easy relationship with Mr. Park. Just remember one thing: I don't do things by halves, Ms. Manoban. You should know that from 4 years ago. So if you don't listen to what I'm telling you, you'll be out of here quicker than you think. Roger that?"

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