Chapter 24

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How many times has it happened that I've had to stay at school longer than necessary on Ms. Kim's orders? I can't even list it anymore.

I sit silently in my seat with my eyes down and listen to the last few steps that my classmates leave behind as they walk - until Ms. Kim gets up and not only closes the door, but also locks it.

My whole body suddenly tenses at that click and I can feel the blood pounding in my ears I'm so nervous. Now I only hear her footsteps coming dangerously towards me. With every step, I feel like my heart is beating faster and faster. My skin starts to tingle as the air in this room is filled with charged energy. Whether it's fear or pent-up sexual desire. I dont know.

Breathe in and out, Lis.

For once, I try to listen to my inner voice, but it only relieves a little of the pressure on my chest.

She leans against the table in front of mine and keeps tapping the edge of the table with the fingers of her right hand, so that four dull sounds are produced again and again, which doesn't exactly reduce my nervousness.

After what feels like an eternity, she finally speaks. "Look at me."

Without me really wanting to, my body automatically obeys her command and I see the sheer anger in her green eyes. I can't help this guilty feeling inside me. How come I feel more remorse now than I've ever felt towards Leo in the last few days? Or rather: Why do I have the feeling that I have to beg for forgiveness on my knees?

"Ms. Kim, I-"

"Ms. Kim." She mimics me with a smirk and rolls her pretty eyes before her cold stare hits me like an abrupt slap in the face. "Are we seriously back there, Lisa? Are you kidding me?!"

I can't help it and just have to look away. I guiltily pull at the hem of my blouse with my fingers and feel the need to sink into the ground, I'm feeling so bad right now.

"Stop biting your bottom lip all the time. Not only that this is driving me insane, but you're about to bleed." She says with unsparing honesty.

Am I driving her insane? Damn, she is the who is driving me insane!

"I'm sorry." I mumble, and it really is, for many, many reasons. I can't even tell you how painful it is in my chest right now.

"Why are you ignoring me? Is your prince good enough after all or what? Has he touched you this week?"

I look up shocked. I really never expected a scene of jealousy and I see her nostrils tremble. I mustn't let myself be crushed like that. Not again. Never again.

More confident than I feel, I stand up and cross my arms over my chest. "I don't owe you an answer to that obscene question, Ms. Kim."

Maybe I shouldn't provoke her now, but I can't help it. What is this woman doing to me?

"And if you do that, Lisa! And you owe me even more than that."

"Fine." I snap at her, even though I know she's right. "We were a mistake." Even as I say those words, they feel bitter on my tongue because we felt way too good to really be a mistake.

Pain. Not only in me, but also in her eyes for a brief moment before the cold takes hold of her again. And the fact that I might be the reason for that just tears me apart. Is there anything else I can do other than hurt others?

"Oh, yes?"

Jennie Kim walks around the table like a cat, fixing me with her now emerald green eyes like prey. Inevitably, I suddenly feel hot and hotter as she drops her hands on the table on either side of me. Her forearms flex seductively in her rolled up black shirt, as do her biceps. I let my eyes wander higher and higher to the prominent vein in her neck, how her jaw tightens and makes a beautiful contrast with those wonderful, full lips and last but not least her gorgeous eyes. The amber in it is almost gone, her pupil is so big and I can see the lust in it. How can she feel pleasure now when I'm pushing her away from me? Or rather: How can I just now feel so much pleasure that I have the feeling of fainting if she doesn't immediately pull me to her and kiss me unconscious just as she did a few days ago?

My body is practically screaming to throw itself at this angry, hot woman and let her do anything she wants to me. Now I'm more than sure of the reason why my whole body is tingling. But that just can't be...

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