Chapter 13

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Grinning, I keep jogging when I hear her tell her boyfriend that she's going to 'go to the bathroom.' Surely she does.

I don't even turn around, because I know that these energetic steps behind me are hers. She grabs my elbow and pulls me down an empty alley. She nods as a gesture to me to follow her to the end of the alley before turning and going ahead. Her beautiful face is distorted with anger, which is why her eyes look a little narrower. She is so cute, I want to kiss her!

We finally stop a few meters behind two dumpsters before she turns back to me and yells. "What's your problem actually? Are you seriously stalking me?!"

I start laughing as I find this situation really amusing.

"My dear Lisa, do I really look like I have nothing better to do than to stalk you?"

She crosses her petite arms, her small breasts squeezing in her top. For a split second I enjoy this view of her firm breasts before I force myself to look into her dark, doe, beautiful eyes again. How I would like to kiss and touch every single inch of her body.

"You don't seem to understand a no, Ms. Kim. So it wouldn't surprise me."

My eyes are getting harder now. She really shouldn't be so cheeky. "Control your words, madame."

Her eyes widen at my voice tone and I see from her throat that she is swallowing a heavy lump.

"I'm not accountable to you, but I'm valid even if you don't deserve it." I begin, suddenly seeing her submissive, devoted side flicker in her eyes for a split second. Fuck don't get hard! "In case you forgot, little one, but I live here and I go jogging. Didn't know that you were having a picnic with your Prince Charming on my route."

She opens her mouth but keeps closing it. Apparently she is speechless. I like it.

"We... you shouldn't look at me like that. That's... wrong. What happened last week was wrong. I-"

"Was totally aroused and was enjoying it?" I finished her sentence for her.

Her cheeks turn red and she looks down at the floor, embarrassed. God does she look cute when she's embarrassed!

"No, I... you didn't give me any other choice. I-"

"You could have said stop at any moment. But you didn't."

I take a step in front of her and she takes a step back so she hits the brick wall. Caught like a helpless deer by a wolf.

"Are you really trying to tell me I abused you?" I ask her slowly, getting even closer so that our toes are only four inches apart.

"No, Ms. K-Kim. I just wanted to..."

"Are you denying that it got you hot when I - what was that nice thing you called it the other day? - put you in your place?"

Both of my arms are on either side of her head, practically locking her in, careful not to touch her once and yet she gets goosebumps. I let my gaze slide completely over her petite body, from bottom to top. Her sexy legs are crossed, most likely because Madame Oh-so-good is aroused and from the tremors in her breasts I can see her breathing quickening. She has her hands pressed flat against the wall as if trying to pull herself away from touching me or waiting for my touch and I can feel her hot, shaky breath on my face. Damn I'm hard!

I look into her beautiful face. First from her sinful lips, which I want so much to touch again - especially my lower region, but one after the other. Her cheeks are still flushed, but this time with an erotic, dark tone and her eyes... as dark as my black soul, so aroused is she.

All her attention is on me. Spellbound, she watches my every step. My face is so close to hers that it's torture even for me. How much do I miss kissing her? This one time wasn't enough. On the contrary: It only made me hungrier for her. I have never desired a person more.

"So you're saying you didn't like it, really?" I whisper seductively, yet with a hint of anger to let her know who's in control here.

She swallows again and I think about what else she could swallow. I have so much fun throwing her off track like that.

"Tell me, Lisa." - Our lips touch so close, but no! I have to let her fidget. She has to come to me herself. - "Tell me, is that right?"

She nods once, but then shakes her head again without breaking eye contact.

Right now she's slowly closing her beautiful eyes, thinking I'm about to kiss her, but no.

I quickly push myself off the wall and continue jogging without turning around again.

"Well then, have fun with your boyfriend, my little one." I say one last time, leaving her perplexed.

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