Chapter 26

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So here I am: in the middle of a college party, lost in thought and filled with guilt. No one here realizes what a whirlwind is going on inside me. Everyone is much more concerned with themselves - which I also call good.

As I suspected, Sana and Kai get along fantastically. They tell each other their craziest rescue stories, they battle it out and they just have the same sense of humor. Rosé looks ravishingly hot in her red crop top and red lips. There is a perfect contrast with her now blonde hair. She already has four guys around her who hang on her every word - which I can completely understand. Rosé is simply an amazing bride! She'd always been the one everyone was looking for, which to be honest was really depressing at times. But I give it to her with all my heart.

I keep an eye out for Leo, because after all I'm only here because of him. Suddenly I feel two arms around my waist and someone kisses my bare shoulder.

"I've been looking for you." I say.

"Good, because I was hoping so badly that you would be here today, baby."

Suddenly disgusting goosebumps creep up all over my body and I push this person away from me.

"What do you want?" I hiss, looking into those malicious brown eyes.

"You." Justin's eyes glow devilishly. I know exactly this look and it means nothing good.

Involuntarily, fear spreads through me and I stumble back a few steps. Suddenly my guilt is no longer my biggest problem and I swallow the lump in my throat. I see the amused look on his face and scold myself for not being so scared. Never again will I let myself be suppressed like this.

I straighten my back and crane my chin, glaring at him before I say. "Do you want another kick in your crown jewels? Because you won't get more than this touch from me."

"You're cheeky. I like it extraordinarily well."

I roll my eyes and just walk past him. My time is too valuable for that. Blind-left I push my way through everyone else until I run into a hard chest. Again I look into brown eyes. But these they are much friendlier and more welcoming than the ones before. I smile at Nayeon in relief, while she raises an eyebrow and grins.

"Hey, sweety. What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, Nayeon." I lie, and she is looking at me fiercely. She just knows me too well. "That roommate of Leo's - Justin - just really gets on my nerves."

Again she frowns on her sweet face. Nayeon always looks huggable! "I haven't seen him until now. Do you want me to punch him in the face?" She asks, half jokingly, half seriously.

"Oh my Nayeon Unnie, you're the best!" I pout at her wherein she cringes.

"Who should I hit now?"

"Yes, me too!" Kai adds to Nayeon's comment. Both are obviously drunk and I laugh.

Eventually Rosé joins us and seems to have found Leo. We talk about everything, dance, laugh our ass off and have fun. Leo's arms are possessively around my waist and I snuggle up to the gentle rhythm of the Tame Impala's song 'Eventually', trying to forget all my guilt just for the moment. His arms feel secure and he kisses my shoulder like Justin did earlier.

Without a word I turn my head to him and see this tender, loving look in it.

"I love you, Lis." He whispers, nudging his nose against mine. It breaks my heart that he says those four little words with so much emotion.

Leo is about to kiss me when suddenly a person bumps into me and I feel a sticky, cold liquid on my body through my black, strapless blouse and I squeal in horror.

"I'm so sorry!" Mumbles the brunette in front of me, startled. Her big eyes are wide under her glasses and I recognize her immediately. Kai, Zoey and I played beer pong with her last week. Zoey is standing behind her, hers laughing hand over mouth Okay, somehow this situation is funny, which is why I don't mourn for my beautiful blouse for a moment and laugh when I feel many eyes on us.

"It's alright. Lana, right? Zoey's roommate."

"Yeah, right." She replies shyly, tucking her long brown hair behind her ears.

"Sorry, Lisa. I must have just bumped into Lana. That wasn't on purpose!" She yells while she links her arm with Lana and they both disappear just as quickly as they came. Funny situation.

When I turn back to the others, I see how angry Leo is looking and watching them both go. His hands are clenched in fists and his cheeks are already burning with pent-up anger. I don't understand why he was so close to freaking out just because someone accidentally spilled some beer on me. Doesn't that happen often at parties? I also have the feeling that I've been discovering new sides to Leo lately that I've never noticed before. Or that were never there before.

I frown in confusion and caress his cheek, bringing him back into the here and now and letting out the breath I'm holding. "Hey, it's just cheap beer. No acid was thrown at me."

Leo looks at me and his eyes speak full of feelings that I can't classify. It looks like he really wants to tell me something, but decided against it again. "You can change in my room. I'll be right behind." He gives me one more gasp kiss before he disappears.

I quickly exchange my wet blouse for one of Leo's shirts and leave his room because I absolutely have to go to the bathroom to at least give my blouse a quick wash. The party is back in full swing and my friends are still partying. Rosé joins me on the stairs when she notices me and asks me if everything is ok.

"Yes, Rosie. Everything great. But I think you should take care of your suitors, because they seem to be worse off than me." I laugh and we both look over our shoulders at the four boys, who really don't look bad.

While Rosé continues talking, I see a few meters behind the boys how Leo is discussing - or rather arguing - with Zoey. Again and again he pulls his hair together and almost seems to yell while she counters as well. I'll definitely have to talk to Leo about it later, I suppose.

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