Chapter 18

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I wake up yawning and blinking. The sun is shining brightly and the first thing I notice is the smell of eggs and spices. Did mama cook me breakfast? I blink a few more times and realize that this isn't my room. I look down and see huge and long arched windows reaching almost from the ceiling to the floor. The window frames are made of dark metal and are stuck in the brick wall. I'm snuggled up in a midnight blue blanket. As I lift the blanket, I realize I'm dressed only in a white t-shirt - nothing else.

Suddenly all the images from last night pop into my head at once, giving me a bit of a headache as I sit up.

I had a fight with Leo. A fat man wanted to do God knows what to me. Jennie came and took me to her. I kissed her. She gave me my very first orgasm with her amazing tongue.

At the thought, I feel the heat shoot up in my head and generally, all over my body. I don't think I've ever felt so damn good and satisfied in my life as in the moment when my body tensed up and at the same time let everything go.

When the memories of that mad kiss surfaced in me, how I stroked her steel-hard shaft in her boxers, my blush only shoots to my head even more. God, did it feel thick and long...

Luckily she's not there right now to see me like that.

Involuntarily, a smile conjures up on my lips when I think how much she spoiled me, how much attention she gave me last night and didn't let me satisfy her. She was in control and tortured me with kisses as if she wanted to study every inch of my body with her tongue. And how she did it!

She acted like I was everything in that moment.

And she was everything to me too.

Stop, stop! My sanity roars again. That's completely wrong. I shouldn't be feeling so fantastic right now. I should be sad or angry because yesterday I had a really big fight with Leo again. With my boyfriend!

Damn it, what was I thinking when I got in Jennie's car? I know I can't concentrate around her. A rush of guilt washes over me and I feel like someone has smacked me badly.

I scrubbed two guys yesterday.

Damned! Yesterday started so beautifully. How did I end up here?

I ball my hands into fists in my hair in desperation. I have to leave quickly. Damn, I cheated on Leo - again. I think I'm freaking out. My chest tightens into a painful knot and once again, tears threaten to well up.

Take a deep breath, Lis. Get your clothes and go!

Good advice. I get up and look for my clothes on the floor, but... they're gone. They're not even under the bed. I take a look over the dark metal railings through the whole apartment - nowhere.

Where did this whore hide my things?

I quickly grab a pair of gray boxer shorts from her closet before quietly walking down the stairs. I haven't seen jennie anywhere until now. I've got two options: either I flee quickly in this scantily clad way, or I face Jennie.

Just when I'm really contemplating running away like this, she calls out. "Lisa?"

Damn it!

I clench my teeth and close my eyes briefly before turning around. I brought that on myself. The walk of shame can begin.

"Tomorrow." I say and look down, embarrassed. I would like to sink into it.

"Lisa." I don't miss the quiet command in her tone, so I look up obediently to see a half-naked Jennie Kim standing in front of me.

Without me being fully aware of it, my mouth opens a crack. They look amazing in this sunlight. Her skin is kissed by the sun. She has broad shoulders, perfect boobs and a slim waist. A pretty V-line points like an arrow down to her cock, which is unfortunately covered by a pair of black joggers. Her well-trained body makes my mouth dry and at the same time the spit runs up in my mouth. A tug is felt in my nether region, my nipples are getting hard, and all of a sudden my guilt is gone for a split second. Has it suddenly become forty degrees here in the room?

I hear her harsh little laugh and look at her amused face. Her poisonous green eyes focus on me. Immediately I turn my gaze again before she has a chance to hypnotize me with them and feel the blush shoot up in my face. Can this whole situation get any more embarrassing?

I open my mouth to ask her about my clothes when she cuts me off.

"Your clothes are in the dryer." Can she read my mind?

"You... did you wash my clothes? How so?"

"Because they were full of snot from yesterday." She says directly. "And so you can't just run away, which you most likely wanted to do."

Okay, now I'm pretty sure she can read my mind. I rub my upper left arm nervously and ask her about the bathroom, while she points to a door. I nod as a thank you and crawl into my hand. I catch my breath. Herr bathroom is really beautiful. Instead of everything being white as usual, most of it is beige. It has a large shower that is five feet long and is only separated from the rest of the room by a glass door. There is a modern shower panel with a rainforest shower and four massage jets, which are directly below each other. I've only washed myself in a shower like this once in a hotel and... I don't think I've ever showered for so long in my life. I automatically have to imagine Jennie taking a shower in it. How she lathers her entire body and even her thick shaft...

I shake my head trying to get this fantasy out of my head. After going to the toilet quickly, I wash my hands and splash water on my face. I look at myself in the large mirror behind the sink. Amazingly, I don't look quite as bad as I thought I would.

I sit on the warm dryer while debating whether I should hide here until my clothes are dry and then bolt out the window, or dig my own grave.

Again, I gather my hair and tie it in a messy bun before finally taking a last deep breath and then finally exiting the bathroom. I go through my head with all the points that I absolutely have to tell you.

I catch my breath again. Jennie Kim standing at the stove with her back to me, frying something. The muscle play that causes this makes your tattoos look alive. I totally forgot she had any. Okay, it could also be because I didn't have enough time to study them yesterday and because it was too dark. Or rather: I was very distracted.

Secretly I stare at her tattoos and try to decipher them. A large tribal tattoo adorns her right shoulder. I would think it's silly for everyone else, but it suits her fantastically. Even the somber fallen angel looks gorgeous and the rest of her tattooed back. As I step closer, I wonder why she only has tattoos on her back and nowhere else. At the same time, I notice that the tribal is not made of corded lines, but of letters. I can't decipher the language on it. I guess it's Latin. How much I would like to know what this text and in general everything on her back means.

That's it for my list of points to discuss with her.

As I sit down on the bar stool, the chair squeaks softly, causing Jennie to turn around, frying pan in hand.

Why do women who cook have to look so damn sexy? This time I quickly avert my gaze and let her put the bacon on my plate, fork my food and say thank you quietly.

I have to suppress a moan of pleasure as I try a piece of French toast and only realize when her elbow brushes mine that she is sitting next to me. And so close and shirtless.

Damn hot devil!


A/N: Thanks for the ones who gave feedback on the previous chapter ;D

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