34; Always on my mind

Start from the beginning

"Don't you get fucking tired man? I'm tired already just listening to you telling us about it", Micheal giggled.

"Don't you get it man? She's a nutjob and when she says these things that I don't deserve her or she wants me to go look for a model or a singer that looks way better than her and all of those bullshit, she actually cares for me man and scared that she can't be the best for me. In the attempt of pushing me away, she 's actually making me falling in love with her even more", Ashton explains again but with so much love in his eyes. He smiles so wide, and from that I can see he really loves Rachel. Ashton then looks at me and points at my direction, "so you see man, girls go super cuckoo when they are fucking scared. In Shay's sense, scared of heartbreak. If you still want her..."

"For fuck's sake, man! I want her and only her but she keeps pushing me away and I have to respect her decision, and I don't have to wait for her anymore! But I can't stop feeling that I'm the one that is supposed to be making her happy, not anyone else, especially that Will brat!". I finally voice out my feelings that is never ending for Shay.

"We're here guys", the driver said and before we step out the car, Luke take a hold of my shoulders and shake me and yell, "then go fucking get her, man! Never say never!", Ashton chuckles and nods his head, "as much I want to hit him of quoting Bieber, but he's right man. If she makes you happy, go fucking get her". Then we all step out of the car, and fans are swarming in front of the office. I had to put up a smile, and spends a few minutes to sign their tshirts, and take selfies with them, and what they say about me is just heartwarming. God, I love my fans.


"So, what is different about this album compared to your previous albums?", the radio host pose a question and Luke answers, "well, I think this album is more mature, more feelings onto it but still maintaining the punk rock sound. It's like when you're wearing a good sock..."

"Stop with the socks, Luke! God, pick another piece of clothing please", Micheal whined and the radio host and Ashton and I start laughing.

"I like socks!", Luke answers back. "The album is great, just like Luke said, they're more emotions in it. You can really relate to it", I interfered.

"So it's inspired of what's been happening in your lives?", the radio host asked and all of us nod our heads and muttered yeahs.

"So, Ashton, we hear that you are dating from someone back in Sydney. Is she the inspiration for this album?", Ashton giggled and went all red when the radio host asks him that question.

"Umm, yeah you could say so", he answered. "Does this inspiration has a name?", the radio host has put on his journalist cap on.

"Of course she does, but I don't want her to get involved with all of this hustle and bustle of the entertainment business. She has her own career, so yeah", the radio host keeps on jabbering questions like a dagger. "Oh what does she do?"

"Something smart, I'll tell you that", then the radio host nods his head and look into my direction and he's gonna jab his dagger of questions to me now, I got to get ready, this is going to get really uncomfortable and I can feel Ashton's hand on my back as a sign of reassurance.

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