04; In an instant

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Calum's POV

I fell in love with Shay Michelle Dallas that summer. 

I never thought I would be falling in love with this girl at this age, cause let's face it, I'm young. Isn't falling in love supposed to happen when you're mature enough to know what love is? But I can't help myself from admitting that I love her, I'm in love. I can truly be a big ass of a fool with her and she would never hate me or even be mad, instead she laughs at my idiocy. She's a big idiot herself, and I know that she doesn't show that side of her easily and I'm fucking grateful that I'm the chosen one, one of it is she dips her oreo to deep into her warm milk and when she picks it up, there's only a bit of the oreo left in her hand and she didn't even realise it cause she was reading, and when she opened her mouth to bite the oreo, she accidentally bit her finger. There's even this one time we were in a bookstore cause she wants to buy yet, another book. She took a book by this author Alexandra Potter from the back shelf and put it up front on the best-selling shelf, and no she didn't doi it with class. It was a mission impossible task for her, she hides between shelves so that no one notices her and when she place those books on that shelf, she took my hand and quickly walk outside. I have no idea what had happened and when I asked her why. 

"She's always at the back shelf and that shelf has a lot of good books but people are not buying it because it just didn't turn into a movie", she snarled. 

"Is it really that good?", I asked doubting it's good cause it haven't turned into a movie. 

She put her hands on her hips, "seriously, Hood? You're gonna give me that attitude? You don't even read books".

"Hey, I read books!", I defended myself but she is just too damn smart, "Rolling Stone is a magazine, not particularly a book", she rolled her eyes.

"But it has words and I read them, so yeah, I read", I folded my arms and I said something I never thought I said. 

"And you know what, I could read those Alexandra books. What are those about? Girl stuff?"

She hold my hand and smiled, "Calum, you do not have to prove anything. And yeah, it's girl stuff, like love and stuff. You would get bored".

"No, seriously. You don't think I could read, do you?", I want to prove something. I'm not just a music geek and play games all day, I mean yes I am but I can be more than that.

"You really want to read something I would read?", she asked piercing his eyes into mine.

I nod my head, and she looked at me again furiously, "Yes, Shay! Hit me with your best shot! Which os those Alexandra books you want me to read?"

"Oh no no, I'm not gonna give you her books. I have something else in mind", she smirked and I am legitimately scared. We went back to her place and she take a look at her book shelf and pull out some old book, Little Women. 

"I know a thing or two about women, Shay", I teased and she hit my hand.

"It's not about those women, these are different types of women. Read it and tell me what you think of it".

She had this power over me, like I want to be a better person and cut off all the slack. I've been writing good songs whenever I'm with her and I really love the way she reads to me whenever we lay down on my bed, she really understood the characters and interpreted it well cause she really doesn't want them to be misunderstood. And God! She doesn't like country abit, she likes it alot! Especially Carrie Underwood, she would be singing it in the car, in the shower, even while fixing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and how much I do not listen to country, I love it when she sings and frankly, it's not because of her voice but the way it makes her so happy and pumped up. 

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