Chapter 78

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After graduation a lot of things changed, finding a job that pays enough for the increasing bills that comes with student debt and living entirely on your money management skills. Social events and day-to-day catch ups turn into late night texts, missed calls and re-scheduled dates just to catch up on sleep and squeeze in some downtime for yourself.

Adulting is hard.

Morgan left for Tokyo, two weeks after graduation saying 'that's where the bag is at' but now it just feels like she's a hundred million miles away despite just being a train ride away. It feels as though recently you haven't seen her enough as usual even now as full-fledged adults. At the art exhibition it wasn't that you couldn't see or talk to her, but it wasn't exactly the time nor the place to start-up the usual gag of gossiping like a flock of hens.

Life is still catching up with you, but it seems that recently whilst you were slowly coming to terms with the fact that Gojo Satoru is your boyfriend other things decided to crash into you in great succession. There's just so much filling your plate that you can't eat so much at once or you'll be sick again, Morgan has always helped especially with her cut-throat point of view.

It might be time to go see her.

But what you never suspected of her is to be living the life of luxury with the amount of space and affordability she's gotten herself. The reality of living in Tokyo is a hard pill to swallow, space becomes a luxury item that not many can afford to have. Some people live in rooms as small as hotel capsules whilst others live in old, shady buildings that might collapse just from a small slight breeze.

Becoming crafty and hacking any space one can get to not only to survive but to live comfortably in a place that offers little comfort compared to the accessibility of convenience. However, Morgan saw the housing crash around Tokyo and the prime areas for young adults and found the solution however expensive it might have been. She knew if she was going to stay long term, here in Tokyo with her girlfriend, she needs more than just an apartment but a home, somewhere she can lay down roots for the long-term.

She didn't cheap out on any expenses despite once being a very frugal person for the best part of a couple of years. She has the self-control that you wish you had but walking into her apartment now feels like she didn't hold back, at all. She has more cubic meters in her loft compartment than you do in your entire apartment, from the entryway she has the standardise amount of space for a shoe locker as well as a walk-in closet.

Now that is luxury.

Being able to walk in with more steps than it takes to walk across your apartment, you find a powder room and a separate bathroom that Morgan proudly shows off. Giving you her very own private tour of her apartment whilst Hikaru holds in her sniggers from behind as she mocks your gaping jaw. Severely envious at the amount of built-in storage space she's already gotten as well as the cheeky amount she's managed to squeeze into the large sweeping space utterly astounds you.

"How much was this again?" Innocently asking as Morgan brings you upstairs into the main compartment.

The subtle flinch doesn't go unnoticed, which is odd but not out of character when you remember how she becomes after being caught doing a bad thing. Hikaru gives you a look, the kind that begs for you not to go any further, but this doesn't feel like an out of the question scenario or that you're overstepping.

"Just look at this space." Ignoring your question, Morgan slowly spins around into her cosy living space.

There's no bed so she must be sleeping on a futon in the loft, or the sofa extends into a roll-out bed. She's hidden the wooden floors with large grey woolly rugs, covering the walls in purposely placed monochromatic boudoir photography and finished off the space by littering as many warm toned lamps in all four corners.

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