Chapter 4

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Light rustling and the slow clicking of a door closing shivers you awake, the first thing you take note of is the room, your bed doesn't have this much room, then the silky sheets so smooth and soft not the plastic shit you get at the drugstore.

Jolting upwards the thought suddenly crossing your mind, you're not at home but rather slept around at your one-night stands house who isn't in the room, or so you thought. Creaking you turn your head to witness the very god like body of a man that doesn't look like he works out stand before you in nothing, but a large white bath towel wrapped around his waist. The noticeable V-line cutting straight down towards that long large thing that somehow fitted inside you last night, oh how much pleasure one piece of flesh can give is astounding.

He has some scars you didn't notice last night but who would when you quite literally were out of this body having an outer body experience in cloud nine. Looking straight up into his charming but mischievous eyes, he knew you were checking him out just now, he smirks.

"Morning darling, would you like a cup of me to start off the day?" Knotting the towel around his waist securely he works his way towards you in a cunning seductive manner.

You fear for your pelvic floors, will you even stand by the end of it all, then a ping came from your discarded jeans now resting neatly on a black office chair at the end of the room. Slipping out of the covers ignoring Gojo's presence moving to unlock the device, a message from Morgan.

"Oh shit." Looking at the multiple urgent emails she's sent and the time you have approximately less than half an hour to get home, shower, change and get to college in time for morning lecture.

Gojo stands there still in his towel witnessing the fastest anyone has ever gotten changed before, you now stand in your last night's clothes ready to make a move out before turning on your heel bowing towards him.

"I'm sorry about sleeping over, but I've got to go to college now." You hold your phone close to your chest wishing for such a day to be over with so you can scream into your pillow tonight reminiscing over what happened the night before.

"Ah so you're younger than me, I wouldn't mind doing this again sometime," Gojo says moving closer to your straightening form, tilting your head perplexed at his indirect offer. "A deal of sorts, I'm what you call a fuckboy and I've been looking for some fun lately and you were pretty interesting last night." Of course, Gojo is royally fucked if you refuse him now, he's already hooked on the potential you can have with him and all the 'teachings' he can give.

The offer for you however couldn't have come at a better time, Morgan has been telling you for weeks now to live it up as a hoe, get a sex friend to take all those stresses away from your life and as an art student blank canvas syndrome haunts you on most good days. Plus, he was very good last night and he just confirmed your suspicions about him being experienced.

"Okay." Handing your phone to him watching Gojo type in his number, the sudden thought whispers into your mind.

"How old are you?"

He chuckles.

"I'm 28." Handing your phone back tilting your head further in confusion as he places a black blindfold around his head. "I'm also a teacher." Which he says in a matter of factly sort of tone, you smile nodding your head.

"Well, I'm 20 in my final year of college studying Contemporary art." Shrugging your phone begins to vibrate now, shit, this is bad.

Bowing you make your way out towards the door.

"I'll call you." Was the last words you heard from him.

You ended up missing the morning lecture seeing as you were in fact on the outskirts of Tokyo, taking the train to Yokohama University was pretty simple it was more the shock of seeing the devastation of your neck however that made your legs buckle from the weight of you.


Cliche I know but I like art

fuck buddies don't act like this (Gojo x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz