Chapter 76

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The low strung of chatter filters throughout the many chambers, crowds cluster around statues and 3-D models whilst smaller groups float between paintings. Nudist tapestries hang in hallways as critics and enthusiasts argue over the needlework and the possible significance that they imply towards the 'Spiritual Erotica' found in all four corners. Low hanging mood lights cast dim shadows lurking within the deep pockets between each dome of light whilst the warmth of the glow halos over pieces that unsuspectingly lure crowds in. The guests revel over the mixed media and abundance of pieces to see as many great artists pour over their work. Vomiting speeches about how they came about the inspiration for their work, divine dreams and having their muses take centre stage.

You're not the only one to have their muse as their date which takes a weight off your shoulders.

Other than being perched at your station and left to answer any nit-picky questions about your pieces, Gojo is doing a fabulous job in selling your art with both his charisma and erotic implications to the origins. Taking it in his stride is an understatement, thriving under the spotlight Gojo effortlessly whisks away prudes and critics into the flow of his charm and flips their tunnelled perspectives on their heads.

If you didn't know any better, he would make a perfect sales agent if he wasn't a teacher already or a sorcerer but after the fiasco with Morgan, you're apprehensive about sharing that little titbit to the world. Doubt very heavily that Gojo would appreciate his secret being revealed either, it's rather nice having certain aspects of the relationship kept private. Sure, having your explicit sex life hanging on strangers' walls for others to admire and ogle at wasn't exactly something you expected to be sharing either.

Yet here you are promoting of said sales.

Seeing how Morgan hardly believes your tall tales about Gojo being magical does more than enough damage with permanently keeping your lips sealed about his other life. Yet it was only a few moments ago that she was truly enamoured with his charisma and hooked into his sweeping flow about one of your more risqué pieces. Multiple people watch, dancing around him like he's the life of the party. Which he is. You watch him dance around analytical almost insulting comments and pluck them out of the crowds as he effortlessly weaves them into a cocktail of sarcasm, self-deprecation and backhanded remarks.

If they're not careful one could easily lose their head becoming lost in his words or on the other hand, be brutally decapitated for concentrating too hard.

"I remember the day this one was conceived; I came over for lunch and my love was working so diligently in her sketchbook and well need I say more than making love when you have body paint on hand." He elaborates swinging his drink a little too aggressively making most of the content's spills over the rim, but no one seems to notice nor mind. His tone has become noticeably rougher and huskier, spotting a faint dusting of pink clouding beneath his eyes.

For an event like this you're surprised that the champagne is cheap yet with how many glasses you've seen him pick up and guzzle like a fish is worrying. Drunk Gojo on cheap alcohol is a disaster waiting to happen at least no one in the crowd has started to question why his usual composure has changed so drastically within the first half hour of the show commencing.

"Of course, this isn't the exact canvas we used but I'm sure she has enough material for a lifelong career." He finishes gulping down the rest of his flute, a trickle slip past his lip and you have half a mind to wipe it off him with a crumpled-up handkerchief.

His gaze swarms over to you, pupils blown out so much that it's almost like having the night sky looking down on you and the stars sparkle, enchanting you under his spell.

fuck buddies don't act like this (Gojo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now