Chapter 5

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Chatter from many students alike you swirl and storm through the small cafe on the University plaza grounds, a popular pit stop for young creative minds. Morgan's long dark hair flows over her shoulder, finally putting down her Matcha coffee, she smiles to you.

"So, how was it?" Fingernails clacking away onto the wooden surface of the table, the sound weirdly soothing.

Blushing immensely Morgan coos, squealing internally readying the champagne within her mind as she awaits for your response. The afternoon light was setting in the spring, May is soon ending. You however may or may not have confirmed yourself to having a potential fuckbuddy that Morgan's been raving about for weeks on end.

"It was really good." Suddenly whispering out trying to keep the incredibly mind-blowing experience you had that night.

You watch as Morgan takes a full minute to compute the very words leave your lips and enter her ears, she was gasping at the end of it not from shock oh no, it was from the sheer amount of willpower to not get up and scream that moment. It was like fireworks had gone off and it reminded you of that time she threw a period party for you, being a late bloomer had its perks but being friends with Morgan also had it quirks.

She was weird.

She also threw a party in congratulations of you losing your virginity, you had no idea what insane idea she has going through her mind now after this. It'll be 10x worse when you tell her it's going to continue happening.

"I'm so happy for you," She pauses grabbing your hand in hers, you feel the tension rising within her, oh how much she wants to scream to the world. "So is it a onetime thing? Or..." She wiggles her eyebrows like a caterpillar.

Nodding along you and her both squeal into your seats, you're happy finally having a refreshing sex life and the ability to learn under your new 'teacher'. Morgan however suddenly gets a concerning question brimming at the forefront of her mind.

"He doesn't dip in other coochie and not clean himself? Y/n he did wear a condom?" She leans forwards and quietly whispers the last part, you spot the obvious concern expressing down her face like a waterfall.

"Urgh, I don't know. But I don't think he did, wear one you know." Panic is the first emotion to display after those words left your lips the next moves were you being dragged out of the small bushy cafe towards the nearest taxi.


"Y/n, you need to prioritize your health first, fuckboys don't wipe their dick after dipping sometimes. Do you want Yeast infection, STD or HIV, you have no idea where he's been, which hoe hasn't cleaned herself?" Whipping you into the taxi and in hush voices she lectures you into the ear.

Dread started to wash over you, it was like jumping into an unknown pool of wrong, who knew that people had to worry about such things. Gojo wouldn't risk giving others or himself a sexual transmitted disease, right?

It's best to get yourself checked out for just in case.

"I-I didn't know." Lowly speaking Morgan's heart pangs against her chest, she didn't realize her tone and how she was lecturing you.

Bringing you into a side hug despite it being uncomfortable being next to each other in a small, confined space, you and Morgan share a brief hug before she tells you to take out your phone.

"Call the GUM clinic and make an appointment in the next 10 minutes." She adds, gripping tightly onto her leather bag strap.

Following her direction, you dial the number.

Half an hour later you and Morgan walk out of the clinic both heaving a heavy sigh, you didn't realize the seriousness behind all this, isn't it just sex you had thought before. Now you really look at Morgan knowing the hardships she had to go through, is this really freeing as much as she's praised it to be?

"Don't get down now, if it was serious, they would have told you, but it normally takes a few days for anything to show. In the meantime, you need to talk to Gojo." She sternly looks into your eyes, a passing emotion fleets behind her dark irises.

"I will."


Always stay safe when having sex with someone

fuck buddies don't act like this (Gojo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now