Chapter 36

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Lights. Your eyes flickered up to the large beating golden star in the bright blue-sky; kind of artificial yet real, maybe, cascading down as an unrelenting heat that the chilled bottle of water resting in your hand couldn't deter. The evaporated water leaking out wetting your palm as you bring it up to cool against your cheek, not much changed in varying degrees. Sweat dripping from your temple, hair slicked back into a high pony yet still manages to get on your tits by whisking towards your mouth in small fine hairs. Feeling both hot and cold, never a mixture of the two in your life before as the warmth prickles the hairs on your arms in a fiery dance. The cold nerves of today, later and the flickering spite of bundled wrath of restlessness in the events that your team rides upon your shoulders. Yes, today is that day of wrath, Sparta of whatever shit... the sports festival of the creative un-inclined sports students ventures out into.

Camera. The bickering of students from the newly installed food stalls, reception stall, games and resting area echoes throughout the courtyard and into the open glass doors to the exhibit hall or for one day only the indoor games hall. Table tennis, dodgeball, bench ball, and even volleyball... some unrelenting lot of students turned out to be closeted volleyball enthusiasts mentioning how they went to school with some famous players not that it piqued your interest much.

Action. It isn't anything like you've seen before, young adults, strangers and students alike working together for each other, against each other. The fierce tenacity of everything bombarded down upon you like a crashing wave to a pier. The gates sprung open with hordes of people flooding the banks of the campus and in the daze of the heat the trembling fear of disappointing everyone. That gnawing at the back of your mind, daily, consistent, back breaking to the point that you waver even in the hands of security. Somewhere out there in the current of dark hair, yellow and blue caps and... and you shake it away.

White tufts.

Heart beating to a slow stagger, knuckles edging at your breast as you take in a deep breath, blinking them into a clearer focus. Turning around to the ringing bell of the start of the events, the day is just beginning.

Chugging along on the sidewalk with the sun out high, the overbearing assault of crafty little shits running riot around his tail, through his legs like any dog in a show. Leaning back into his heel's his hands dislodged deep into the hefty depths of his pockets whilst his three first year's squabble around umming and arring over which street sector to take. Yokohama is a big city especially for two that have never stepped outside their little cubby hole of countryside towns/ villages. Humming along to the tunes of the people, the echoes and cheers faintly drifting into his mind trying effortlessly to forget about yesterday's entire fiasco.

Gojo Satoru has no problem with himself, at himself and with anyone, he certainly has no issue with getting hard when a certain fantasy plays a unique fiddle. He has enough material the filthy little thing that sprouts inside his mind makes him groan in his silk sheets, the many sticky white tissues clustering in piles at the end of his bed. Yet touching someone else, being with another luxurious woman unwinds, breaking the strings altogether.

That tiny, itsy-bitsy problem lies with-

Breathtakingly beautiful.

His heart stammering to a stop, chest aching as his ribs rise and fall with a new meaning to it entirely, across the road in front of the many bystanders, strangers lingering by the open gates. The face of beauty decorated in strips of pinks, oranges and yellows marking each cheek, his eyes expanding to full black pupils of a raving beast.

Your hair windswept begrudgingly cupping your face as if gentle hands replaced them. The rosiness either from the off chance your iridescent eyes connect with his own or from the sweltering heat chafing up between his shoulder blades. His back becoming rigid, stoned by the perplexing feelings swarming his infinite void towards his heart.

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