Chapter 42

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Gojo Satoru has never been much of a drinker seeing how low his alcohol tolerance makes him an extremely embarrassing light weight for someone deemed as humanities strongest sorcerer. But tonight, that image of himself changes as he continues to simmer in front of his collection. A small crystal glass settled neatly in the palm of his large hand; fingers wrapped around it tightly when he leans forwards hovering above his knees.

Spread wide for his girth and to accommodate himself comfortably he sits on his Victorian white and black mahogany chaise lounge chair somewhere spotted in his art gallery of a hallway. Where now he loses himself in the colours of him, and your touch of heaven with its own unique fingerprint.

Sitting, fully engrossed in the forms splayed before him, the hues of purple and blues snapping to life on the canvas walls, the white space unfolding a memory that now plagues him. Each and every night. You are a wicked girl for painting his escapades in such a beautiful delight that his entire walls have no form of memory to spread the original lick of white through.

He can't even fathom the memory of their previous state when all memory is foggy as he becomes entranced by the paintings, each one of them a comic strip of so many lustful driven nights away. Hotels, his house, God even a public bathroom didn't even stop the both of you, but one stupid mistake did and that's something he won't ever make again.

He'll always turn around for you, look back and take you by the hand if it means being able to be lost in those expanding eyes of yours. To embrace you as he's done many times before but to cherish you and to hold you as if your skin was made of glass. He can't break you again, won't.

Sipping on the harsh sweetness of the bourbon liquor swishing in a deep syrupy colour at the basin of his glass, hissing at the strong flavour of alcohol. Still, he stares off into the realms of those wistful nights away, you and he entangled in limbs, and all the while his heart beating with a new purpose other than the designated one to pump viscous amounts of blood circling his body.

It wasn't anything other than a blackened pit filled to the brim with humourless banter, deflective jokes and sweets, lots and lots of sweets, and sex. Tons of sex. At one point he believed his cock had more of a mind over his own, directing him to any available pussy that would clench and lick their lips for him. But then he met you, practically a virgin walking out of a freshly broken off relationship, born into this world with wobbly legs like a spring born foal. He couldn't help but snap you up, whisk you away to his mansion and gobble the rest of you, he found your awkward demise cute.


He felt like a predator playing with his food that night, watching you squirm became his new favourite game and even now he can reminisce the feeling. The heat of your lips on his own, the way you tasted the first time he went down on you that now swells upon his taste buds, how you screamed that night. Your arrival then was as loud and clear as he felt you exert the energy throughout your being, trembling from his touch.

But it wasn't that night you had him enthralled by you, it was the next morning witnessing the whole walk of shame with his own eyes; the deer in headlights look you gave him the moment you woke up. Smirking along with the memory as it plays out, remembering how he continued to think you were cute for stumbling towards your phone and the immediate moment you sobered up. Sex can leave any fumbling foal like yourself in a drunken hazardous state as the scent of it clings to you like marked pheromones.

That night now refocuses upon splotches across the canvases, he knew you were an artist, but he didn't know what sort of styles you went for but this raw, sultry mingle of all the aflame passions igniting to one. His walls becoming glimpses of a hall of fame all the nights spent with you and you alone, an insight to his sins as he became your muse for the night.

He feels incredibly naked in this moment as everything begins to settle with a new fervour.

Resetting his position to a more comfortable state, he shouldn't be happy that you used him in such a way, ironic that you did as he has done countless times before. People are expendable to a certain degree or what he's learnt in his life, throwing people to the fire hoping one of them would put it out or fuel it into a blazing storm. You shouldn't have been any different, his one-time plaything turned to his go-to sex friend, favourite even if you go that far but he's now coming to an understanding that you were never just that. Having the knack to do the unexpected, say what you wanted and act in ways he didn't foresee, that is the gem about you. The uniqueness, one-of-a-kind sorts of gal.

Unbridled work of art with the brush stroke still at work, still pouring more paint into the long trail of chaos yet somewhere in the fray of such a woman he finds you and your cheeky smile. The one you never missed a beat at gifting out and what a gift it truly was to be on the receiving end of it. He always felt like a champion standing next to you whenever you fully grinned of your capabilities.

Purely innocent in the moment eliciting with joy and heart pumping wicked ease that comes so easy to you, the genuine happiness that walks in your life. It's mostly the reasoning behind his strained relationship with pulling you out of that life where you can fully for fill happiness without a care in the world. He can't ruin it with his 'changed feelings'. But under recent turn of events, he's coming undone by them, your tears that day wreaked havoc inside of him and not for the faint of heart to rip inside his mind to reason with him that murder is bad. He's become a boundless being, tethered only by a single cord and if you tugged upon the faint iridescent spider thread he would come and he would be there.

And he wouldn't let you go for a second time. Never again. 


Gojo is coming back into the ring, I know most of you will be happy to hear that

Next chapter you'll finally learn what has been done to Yn

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