Chapter 51

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"Y/n, please don't do this," Morgan chimes the same bell again following you into her hallway straight for the door. "It's not safe out there, please!" Her hands grapple you down, urging you to step away from the footwell.

It's merely been a miserable set of hours since the news broadcasted the attack and Morgan flipping her switch into survival mode: meaning stay inside at all costs. You should listen to her, whatever rattles her boat wasn't just a single event from across Japan, everyone has been spiralling into mayhem over the internet about it. Some whacked out theories about a secret organisation playing a foot in the attack, the trains, the strange occurring deaths...

Shaking it off; her off your arm as you descend into the footwell slipping out of your slippers and into your trainers from the previous day before. Sadness rattles through you like a coiling snake shattering your glass heart. This isn't what you need just before you venture out there, you don't know what Morgan saw or what others are spouting about demons being real. But all you know is that Gojo is out there, lost, an asshole and you're stuck here ready to find him and settle whatever has been lingering in your heart for good.

"I have to find him; I have to know." Looking over your shoulder finding her creasing brows and tear-stained cheeks a tragedy to her overwhelming beauty.

She could bleed rubies and she still be beautiful, a flicker of jealousy twitches at your eyes drowning you in a sense of guilt. This is not the time for that either, you need to go now whilst there is still daylight left and find that son of a bitch. Stamping your feet into place making sure your shoes are on, grabbing Morgan's spare coat as your hand connects to the door handle.

"I'll be back don't worry, Gojo can't just be gone. I'm going to find him and set everything straight." withholding a breath, gulping it down in hopes that your final decision doesn't set in stone.

The outside world knows nothing of what really went down in Shibuya only those lives were lost, and that the government is trying to cover something up. But as much as that's the pressing issue nationally right now all you can worry about let alone think about is Gojo. He's all consuming like always forever a cockroach in your life, a paint smear you can't block out. Chewing your lip, you quicken your pace trying to dodge the hysteria happening around you.

Women, children screaming in bloody hysterics as the public rampage in chaos all around, the carnage already ensuing, luckily you catch the last night bus heading straight to Sendai through Tokyo. Hopping on you ignore the pain drawn faces hollowed out from the explosion whilst others shiver and whine in their sleep. It's going to be a long night.

Finally reaching the outskirts of Tokyo where things look slightly better here than they do in Yokohoma, you find yourself breathless standing before the very door that encases most of your happy memories. Gojo's front door appears untouched of any life despite your own very breath moistening the chilly air.

You don't know how long you stand staring at the white metallic door, the changing of seasons couldn't even bring you forth out of your darkest corner. If he's here, then what will you do? Scream, shout and let it all or will you work it out with him and leave. That is what you know and have done, leaving him will be the biggest and most painful thing you can do to the both of you. The air prickles your skin when at last you turn the handle, the hinges scraping and creaking from out of use, and you are enveloped into darkness.

You choke and grunt at the stale air, if he's here it means that it hasn't been in long, creeping in without bothering to change shoes you find the home quiet and eerie like a derelict house. Ghosts could call out to you from the gold incrusted mirrors hanging from the walls, claw marks crawling the ceiling waiting to pounce and attack you.

fuck buddies don't act like this (Gojo x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum